All the training in GTA V will finally pay off...
All the training in GTA V will finally pay off...
There have been many, many, many more deaths carried out under the Muslim and Christian flags than under the Nazi flag... same could be said for the Sickle/Hammer and Stars/Stripes... I'm not a Nazi sympathizer either (my wife's family is Jewish) just love a good does of hypocrisy....
That's right but I just don't think it's that big a deal. The Nazis wanted to kill anyone who didn't fit in with their ideals. How is that much different from a standard team deathmatch in-game? Or for that matter any war? I don't, in any way, agree with racism in any of its forms, which is at the heart of their…
Pretty sad you can't understand satire.
I think what your missing, is a sense of humour when playing the game.
Says a lot about our society when dick drawings are the most offensive thing in a game about shooting people in the face.
The swastika has a variety of meanings to different groups going back hundreds of years. Ask a Hindu or Buddhist what it means and you'll get a very different answer from the stigmatised view of your average European who relates it to Nazis. I'm not saying a lot of folk aren't just using it to be dicks but how is…
Wouldn't a 'enter at your own risk' option be a good idea? similar to what skateparks have (I know it's a little far removed from online gaming and devs are seldom held responsible for players actions but a simple you might be offended if you click this button, if not click the other one and we will hide emblems might…
"I enjoy having my ability to say and do whatever I want, but if I find something offensive the person behind it needs to compromise their free speech to appease me."
I wonder if My Little Pony symbols and flags will get reported... Because I can see assholes basically reporting anything that doesn't fit into the "dudebro" culture of theirs readily.
I´d say people like you who´d consider this as "disservice" are the ones being both disrespectful and awfully ignorant.
In my case, yes.
Schrödinger's GTA Online?
Jezebel did have a frequent male contributor, Hugo Schweitzer. He penned articles about how sticking stuff up your man's anus will make him more understanding before he was revealed to be a complete fraud.
My main question is: Who cares how a game where you can beat hookers to death to recoup your finances treats women ...or any game for that matter?
Why are there no straight men in the cosmetology industry?
If everything was equal, there would no be lows & peaks to make life interesting.
Dick or not, he's completely right.