
You do realize that these stories are generally cover for "I was drunk and..." injuries, right?

"He Won't Leave me Alone"

This bear is the most bear there ever was

I like fishsticks

BROOKLYN HOOPS for college basketball, BROOKLYN BOXING for boxing, BROOKLYN SHOW for concerts, and BROOKLYN FAMILY for family entertainment. BROOKLYN HOCKEY

Why does Lenin have a bird on his head?

I'm still trying to figure out how many of my base are belong to them

It appears this young man is being used as a human shield

Bigger and stupider at the same time? NFL in a nutshell

Choreography, Brian Williams

There's a helluva lot more work there than just the hair; let's be honest

It's only $200 to the people paying for it. To the arena concession? $5, mayyyyyybeee?

I'm a Buffalo Bills fan. I have no sympathy for either of you.

Most times when you watch football there's a push-and-pull, action-and-reaction flow to the game. Like the way that a receiver runs a route and the DB follows him just right, or the way a Defensive End has to spin in the turbulence of the Left Tackle's pull in order to sneak through a gap.

Interestingly, his father the Senator from New York said the same thing at one time

"I do understand the passion for the fans in Las Vegas."

Look at that dog's face! LOOK AT ITS FACE.

Yep, and saying the word panEENiss brings me back to that happy place every time.

Well, then you've got too much tomato sauce

My local supermarket has in big letters over their hot food section "Panninis." While I understand this is probably incorrect, I was able go to my happy place (while my 4 year old was singing about mincraft to the tune of "Let it Go") by deciding that Panninis is not pronounced pan-EEN-eez, but pan-EEN-iss