
This is why one should not post while drunk. End of.

Nah, no need. Impressive handle. Nice to see somebody cashing in on the long game.

Well deserved. You don’t often see someone be a consensus MVP for as much of the season as he was.

Really? One of the most corrupt institutions in the world can decide what it’s downline employees make? That’s just the kind of idea the FIFA/UN/NCAA would support

Jim Morrison, No!

Those are exclamation points

Due to political correctness, they are now called “gynofacists”

This reminds me of my passage through graduate school.

Why is this a sport?

Pointless clickbait. I am stupider for having pursued it.

I grew up outside of Syracuse, but live in New England. My son is Rational Pats Fan. I hugged him and sent him to bed, and remembered how I felt when I couldn’t watch Scott Norwood kick that field goal and didn’t see it for several weeks. Like father like son.

My Buffalo Bills have been out of it for close to twenty years. I’m good with it, but thanks! Other than my Pats Fan second grader in tears tonight, I enjoyed the game immensely.

Considering that the Visiting team’s headsets conveniently poop the bed at critical times in Gillette Stadium, I hope the Broncos managed to pull this off.

As a non-Pats fan New England resident, my biggest fear was a Pats loss with any hint of controversy. As insufferable as they are when they win, or anticipate winning, Pats Nation Aggrieved is the worst.

I know the narrative is Payton Manning Cannot Play Football Anymore, but Brady looked terrible. He appeared to think that he receivers had hands on their knees. I thought Manning looked decent. If it’s a low scoring game, my money is on him, regardless of the opponent.

“Meh, that’s nothing”

Interesting grammar.

Oxford got so screwed.

The Offensive Quality Control Coordinator scratches his crotch, spits onto the turf. “This is some poor quality football,” he says, the sweat on the green brim of his Eagles cap darkening. “Some poor damn quality football.”

Tried to read. Remembered that caps lock is no replacement for good writing, especially from someone who can and does often write well. Quit.