
Neil deGassy Tyson

What a stupid league. Thursday football. Saturday playoff games. And they won't even consider the so-simple-it's-brilliant change: move the Super Bowl to Saturday.

Then you go to the dentist too often.

I seriously thought that was low-def video artifacts.

Dear Gentleman of the Colored Races,

NFL is all balls this week.

Agreed. "Thermophysics?"

Can I just as why ball inflation is a rule in the first place? If a quarterback like Tommy likes his balls soft so they don't chafe his cuticles, what difference does it make? I'm not sure what advantage (other than the QB comfort-blanket effect) ball inflation gives to a team.

This confirms everything I've suspected about Brady.

I like how regional and socio-economic bigotry is so welcomed here. Go Tolerance!

If you're like me, you assumed those "conference champion" shirts and hats exist for players and coaches to wear in the moments after cashing their ticket to the Super Bowl.

A confused and suspicious looking Rob Gronkowski was seen leaving the team hotel, his loins girded with tin foil, upon hearing the news that the NFL was investigating his team for deflated balls.

Hull was in the crease

Whalers had perhaps best logo/colorway/team name of all time. And I'm a blue and gold Sabres fan.

The real gem is in #11 when the Mystical Force of Justice which pushes JW down bowls over the ref as well.

Entitled white dude slings around bogus journalism-ethics complaints in reactionary response to insecurity over his former spot atop a hierarchy!

My opinion of Olbermann is that he has become progressively more of an insufferable boob over the last 15 - 20 years, but he nailed this. He was honest, caring and insightful.

I couldn't agree more. A more clear indication that the terrorists have won could not be found.

Kiko Alonso is quietly packing his things in preparation for being traded either for someone else's cast-off back up or the Bill's latest draft-bust QB