
WHAT??? That is so distinctly unCanadian. I’d have expected an apology from the airline, the baby, and the nation. Sorry, America. I jumped to conclusions.

This actually happened to someone I know. If it’s like her case, it’s a combo of

now this is a Satan i can worship..

“how am i supposed to eat my french fries?”

When I was in high school, some local, road-side hotel decided to convert their restaurant to a Chinese buffet. They called the high school to see if there were any “Chinese girls who would like a job.” Damn it. I was the only Chinese girl in the school, and actually, yeah, I wanted another job because college was

Pizza guy, there at the bottom? That guy is my fucking hero.

I’m confused. Where are the dickhead celebrity stories? I wanna read the one about Louis CK

... that it would be fucking sweet? Or that I wouldn’t be able to have sex for two weeks?

This information always makes me so fucking infuriated. You know what’s medically dangerous? PREGNANCY. With an abortion, you get some anesthesia and zip bop bippity pop, it’s done. With my C-section, they gutted me open, put my uterus and intestine on my belly, and then sewed it all back into place. I couldn’t walk

“So… you’re still abortion-minded, even if you happen to be tubally pregnant?” she asked.

“So what’s the Diehl with sexting interns?”

Right? In California I’ve never seen a salon that didn’t have every technician’s state license posted.

After working in the business for about a year, I’m endorsing Acetone removers. The non-acetone formulas are garbage. I use 100% acetone at home and it works like a dream, I would never go back to the old formula.

I am #teamhomemani. Which is ironic since I am also #teamweeklyblowout, #teameyelashextensions, #teamfacial and #teamairbrushspraytan. In other word, HIGH high maintenance (on my own dime). But doing my nails at home is awesome. I can change polish twice a day. I know where all my equipment has been. No grabbing my

Well, not physically there, but they were a part of it in cardboard cutout form (and as mentioned in a previous post, cake topper form as well)!

This is a really weird power dynamic, and I have to agree that it is super inappropriate. That being said, the student is an adult. Asking mom for support and advice is fine, but she needs to make the complaint herself.

Girl here: The same. Whenever I reach my peak moment of stress and activity, I desperately want to have sex. It’s the stress relieve sex, I guess.

Nooners for all?

I hope your asshole writes a bestseller countering all of your dick’s accusations, and that the two of them become embroiled in a decades-long media feud.