Celebrities: they're just like us!
Celebrities: they're just like us!
Well, not exactly - the ratios are different - but yes, it's similar.
I swear by the America's Test Kitchen recipe that requires melting and then browning the butter. I also have taken to making my own brown sugar (always dark). Mmmm
Yesterday my partner made me a BLT (with avocado) and he buttered the bread. I don't eat mayo and he believes that a BLT needs a lubricant. And he was not wrong - it was amazing!
My mother is still living in the 1980's and uses an old school answering machine (though I think it's at least a digital one) to screen her calls to her home. She also leaves the phone across the room, so I have to leave long nonsensical messages until she actually picks up the phone. It is extremely annoying and also…
Yeah, it is definitely Google Voice - I knew before you said. It never worked for me either and I ended up deleting that setting. Now I just listen to voice mails. But it was hilarious for a little while.
Maybe cause you're leaving a fake number? (ba-dum-ba! I'll be here all night!)
But you can't teach public school with a bachelor's degree, right? You need a master's degree.
I'm not really sure that I understand how it is possible to pee all over the toilet seat when you are sitting on it...
Oh ew ick ugh.
Wow, I've never heard of this trend - I just googled it and some of the photos are really neat. Others... not so much.
I clicked the link to mention this episode. Grateful that this gif exists :)
What if you stir it? Maybe you didn't add enough olive oil to it? I feel like mine lasts at least several days.
Seriously, store bought hummus is vile. I only ever buy it when I am brining it to a party and don't think people will appreciate the gratuitous amounts of garlic that I put in my own.
Really, the Michelle Obama one is the funniest gif of all time. I literally lol every time I see it, even when I just sit on my phone watching it repeat itself in all it's gif glory. Maybe it's because she is the First Lady and not some random "reality" tv "star", but damned if it's not hi-fucking-larious.
I think it's spelled Skaaaarsgaaaard.
I agree. I ended up in a similar situation about 10 years ago. I really didn't want to be in an open relationship but really wanted to stay with the (horrible) guy. When I found out he made out with this girl we knew, I was upset but got over it since it was within the parameters of our relationship. When I hooked up…