

You know, I totally didn’t intend it to be a dirty joke, but hot damn - it reads like it! If I could, I would give you a cookie.

Yeah, I technically blended styles from both the 80s and 90s on this one. Maybe someday I’ll make a total Howard Scott Warshaw-esque ET style ATARI game for this.

Hey, thanks for sharing. Me and the guys had a good time working this little thing up. Glad people seem to be enjoying it. Would be nice to do a full game.

Whatever, fucker. I expect you to be back in your old ways next week.

Seriously? Silent Hill was the first thing I thought of when I got my first glimpse of the Upside Down.

“The early titles buckle under the weight of over ambitious systems”

Aaand I’m gonna stop you right there. System Shock 2 doesn’t buckle under the weight of anything; it streamlined the experience after System Shock 1, its UI remains one of the finest ever made (legible, clear, with nothing more than a single click

Though I wasn’t particularly interested in the video, I have to say thank you for putting the transcript in the article. Sometimes I’m not in the right place to watch a video or just don’t want to watch the video and most writers don’t care to include a transcript. I’ve gotta show appreciation for a good practice like

Very slim unless they increase the mod size limit for console or make it part of the official game like Ark has done.

  • Adjustments will be made to balance the game.

Buy the physical copies of the expansions—they come with cards. If you already have the digital versions, go here:

I’m not sure what you mean. Could you be more specific?

That's a good question. I think the answer is

“...And that kids, is how I met your Batgirl.”

The secret to playing Assassin’s creed is to run at things, and then hold down the square button.

Windows 7 is really the best operating system I’ve ever used. Why iterate any further, Microsoft? Why not just stop there? You won. It’s done. You solved desktop personal computing.

In for a penny, in for a pound.