Indiana Jones superfan Patrick Schoenmaker has, for the last five years, been working on this animated sequence…
You know, I totally didn’t intend it to be a dirty joke, but hot damn - it reads like it! If I could, I would give you a cookie.
Yeah, I technically blended styles from both the 80s and 90s on this one. Maybe someday I’ll make a total Howard Scott Warshaw-esque ET style ATARI game for this.
Hey, thanks for sharing. Me and the guys had a good time working this little thing up. Glad people seem to be enjoying it. Would be nice to do a full game.
Whatever, fucker. I expect you to be back in your old ways next week.
Seriously? Silent Hill was the first thing I thought of when I got my first glimpse of the Upside Down.
“The early titles buckle under the weight of over ambitious systems”
Aaand I’m gonna stop you right there. System Shock 2 doesn’t buckle under the weight of anything; it streamlined the experience after System Shock 1, its UI remains one of the finest ever made (legible, clear, with nothing more than a single click…
Though I wasn’t particularly interested in the video, I have to say thank you for putting the transcript in the article. Sometimes I’m not in the right place to watch a video or just don’t want to watch the video and most writers don’t care to include a transcript. I’ve gotta show appreciation for a good practice like…
Very slim unless they increase the mod size limit for console or make it part of the official game like Ark has done.
Buy the physical copies of the expansions—they come with cards. If you already have the digital versions, go here:
I’m not sure what you mean. Could you be more specific?
That's a good question. I think the answer is
“...And that kids, is how I met your Batgirl.”
The secret to playing Assassin’s creed is to run at things, and then hold down the square button.
Windows 7 is really the best operating system I’ve ever used. Why iterate any further, Microsoft? Why not just stop there? You won. It’s done. You solved desktop personal computing.
In for a penny, in for a pound.
Thank god for Jim Sterling, a game critic whose recent YouTube antics forced YouTube’s copyright system to eat…