
The only professional athletes who have trouble talking to girls lol

Haha, I honestly hadn’t thought of that...

So many frowny faces in these LoL topics, Kotaku.

No, more options is not always a good thing. I hate when gamers say this like it’s some kind of gospel. Games are, in general, interesting precisely because they limit player options—and then let the player unlock new options and grow more powerful as they progress through the game. This gives a sense of progression

This seems like a rare example, just looking for excuses. Maybe the real solution here is for save data to be universal across all platforms. I honestly don’t see myself switching platforms halfway through, regardless.

Its about content delivery, this is like reading a book by selecting a random page then progressing from that point on, you have indeed read the whole book, but the experience you got was completely different to somebody who read it in order, and also completely different to what the author intended.

Newsflash: STOP LOOKING AT ARTICLES IF YOU HAVEN’T FINISHED THE GAME. This isn’t some new wisdom to be bestowed upon you, either, this applies to EVERYTHING. New episode of a show comes out? Don’t fucking click on an article ABOUT THE SHOW, 9 times out of 10, it’s gonna be about that new episode. New game comes out,

While I prefer 3, I want to help you out a bit to understand the love.

A Metroid show with that style?

Christianity: Belatedly catching up to ordinary standards of moral behavior whilst claiming to possess the ancient guidebook to morality since 325 CE.

Fool, time is relative. Perhaps the Earth was closer to the Sun when Secretariat ran. Ipso facto, time would pass slower for him than us. *snort* geez!

It may sound “bad” on the surface, but like everything about Dark Souls, it’s far more nuanced than that. Both sides of the arguments are being manipulated by the Primordial Serpents who can’t exactly be considered reliable sources of information, making it difficult to tell what is true or not, but it is emphasised

I kept getting turned around and accidentally backtracking. Then when I’d get going the right way again and run into more Flood, I wasn’t sure if they’d respawned or if I was just fighting through identical hallways.

Hated this level. Not for difficulty, but for confusing design and repetition.

I’m so confused. It’s been a really long time since I played, but I always thought the Library sucked because it was long and boring, not because it was difficult. I don’t remember it being difficult at all. Also, the Flood showing up was like a vacation when playing Halo, because they were so much easier to deal with

Oh lord. Just stop. You’ve been watching Game of Thrones for five years and this is the thing that does it for you? How’d you make it past the first episode? What did you even think this show was about?

All that work and they got Han and Chewie in the wrong seats.

It is, you can go online and pull it up right now, but relatively few people will bother to do that, versus the many more that will see it by casually reading Kotaku.

So you blur out his email address, but his street address?

I think they stopped making the 'gold' media, and went to gold consoles about the time they started going the way portables, and stopped using carts for the main consoles.

I seem to recall only gold carts up to like the N64 games. The first two two zeldas on the NES definitely, and the two on the N64, I'm fairly sure.

Yes, so much this. I guess I'm old enough to the point where these limited editions have no sway over me. I care more about what's underneath the hood.