
The second instance would result in the accused being not guilty? I’m not sure where the misunderstanding is. If Lena thinks the accuser is lying because the accuser’s story has an important element that is demonstrably untrue, letting the accuser know specifics about that element early on, before the accuser’s story

Here’s a hypothetical: Accuser states that the rape occurred on June 14th. Lena Dunham publicly states that the accused was at her house that night so it couldn’t have happened. Accuser changes her story to be less specific about the date, and the accused is not vindicated.

Oh, I wanted so badly to go but I just couldn’t swing it! I’m really glad y’all are there so I can experience it second-hand!

I’ll be honest, I shipped Mulder/Krycek WAY harder than Mulder/Scully.

Stormzy’s in Chewing Gum? Now I have to watch that - I love some Gunshot Michael!

This has been a debate in journalism forever, whether to get involved or just observe. The Vulture and the Little Girl won a Pulitzer, but its photographer eventually committed suicide, perhaps in part due to the picture.

They literally have put this music video as an advertisement before other videos, though! I definitely don’t buy those numbers are 100% legit, because I have had this stupid music video come up as an ad like a dozen times, and it’s always super frustrating because it’s SO LONG and sometimes it doesn’t let me skip!

So at first I was agreeing with bigburito a little bit, but I wanted to know more about the situation, cause to me having a white Miss South Africa for 2017 as an outlier is a different story than having predominately white Miss South Africas in a country where white people are a superminority.

Man I used to follow Simone on Vine - it makes me happy to see she’s still with King Keraun.

This is such a weird conversation. I feel like I agree with you, but then you take it further and get weird and I just can’t cosign. I feel like, at this point, we’re going around in circles. I agree with you that racism and negative stereotypes contribute to a harmful portrayal of Asian men as undesirable. I agree

The thing is, the analogy doesn’t fit, because it treats women as objects. You can be entitled to a thing, even an amorphous thing. You can’t be entitled to a person.

Apparently, to her, white women also don’t deserve anyone. Yet they seemingly have the adoration of the entire planet. What the hell did they do to deserve that?

I hope you’re not talking about me with that arranged marriage comment, cause I didn’t bring that up and I haven’t seen it on this thread. I also don’t understand your comment about being poor - where did that come from?

Black women get to complain about how black men “prefer” white women over them because they’re supposedly “loud” or “ghetto” but Asian men can’t complain that Asian women “prefer” white men over them because they’re supposedly “small dicked” or “losers.”

Sure, and I definitely agree that culture can influence who we find attractive to a pretty large extent. But the issue is when the problem is described as “Asian women won’t fuck me, how dare those disloyal bitches!” instead of “Our society tells all women that Asian men aren’t fuckable, and that’s wrong and needs to

Ugh. Tuition is a thing. WOMEN ARE NOT A THING! You cannot compare those two!

cisgender women have been talking about this for thousands of years.

you legitimately cannot see that trans folks face all the same oppressions as cis women, but also specific oppression for being trans.

Yeah, like I said in another comment, it seems like it’s always men who do this. Women get less happy after marriage, men get happier. Women do more work after marriage, men do less. Elderly women are much less likely to remarry after their spouse dies than are men. And I really do think it comes down, in part at

Yeah, I mean, how soon did they start dating? How soon did they start sleeping together? Either it’s a really short engagement or it was really quick after her death that he got together with someone else.