
Yes, absolutely!! Chip’s verses in that beef were five stars! The End is my favorite but they’re all good. I haven’t loved anything Chip’s done since - he’s a bit too soft for me - but the diss tracks were fantastic. Bugzy is a really skilled MC but not a battler.

LOL a Bugzy diss track from his beef with Chip too! They didn’t even give you a track by the winner!

It’s called lollipopping.

This is the movie that started my infatuation with Norman Reedus. I mean, this face:

Then THAT IS THE OWNER’S FAULT. As the owner, you are the FINAL holder of responsibility for the well-being of your pet. Yeah, she was bullied, and yeah, she was tired, but she made a mistake and it was up to her to make sure that the animal in her care was treated safely. You don’t get to shove off all responsibility

I feel like ShortPale&Adequate has explained pretty clearly that they are able to make the decision on how best to use their spoons. It’s a bit weird that it’s become a debate...

Haha! At the dog park on Sunday there was a couple, and the woman was wearing a baby in one of those wraps, and the man was wearing a baby carrier on the front with a chihuahua inside. Good teamwork, I thought!

I loved Ladybird unabashedly. It was so, so real to me. I can’t explain it, but I cried three times watching that movie. I adored it. I think it’s interesting how film is so subjective, and what is transcendent to one person is unsatisfying to the next.

I wasn’t, though? I’m not saying teaching isn’t really difficult - it definitely is, and I do not want to do it and could not do it, probably. I was just curious, because I often see teachers making the same argument you did, that they don’t get paid during the summer, but I’m not sure how that argument changes

The unpaid overtime in education can be pretty nuts. In most white-collar jobs, if you were exempt and regularly working 65 hours a week I’d expect you to get paid a lot more, or at least be on the ladder to getting paid a lot more. In teaching it’s not like that - it’s pretty flat, not a lot of upward promotion

Does your husband get paid the same as you make in the other 42 weeks, or does he get paid the same in 52 weeks as you do in 42?

MoviePass should work at Cinemark. It’s just a debit card, so it works anywhere MasterCard is accepted.

Eminem is SUCH a disappointment to me. He is an incredible rapper, but his lyrics are puerile, sophomoric, misogynistic and homophobic trash. I wish he would grow up.

Yes. Because of allergies we can only have certain breeds that are purebred, so if breeding didn’t exist I wouldn’t be able to own a dog. And I adore my precious mini schnauzer and am so grateful for her.

I’d love to see your actual numbers, because I’m just not sure how it’s possible that you’d be making the same as someone several grades below you after taxes. Unless you mean you’d be making the same as they make before their taxes? Or are counting that they have children?

No, I wasn’t really fishing for that. I was just thinking that neighborhoods almost always transform, and I’m not sure if it’s realistic or wise to try to stop it. My neighborhood now is gentrifying, and I don’t know how to feel about it. Some of the things are awesome (safer, more stuff to do), but some of the things

How did it transition from being predominantly Jewish?

So you’re saying that the accuser stating with certainty that the rape happened on a specific date that was later proven to be impossible would not seriously harm the accuser’s chance of prevailing?