Um, in traditional mourning periods you weren’t dating. It’s not like being in mourning just meant you couldn’t get married - it also meant no relationships, etc.
Um, in traditional mourning periods you weren’t dating. It’s not like being in mourning just meant you couldn’t get married - it also meant no relationships, etc.
Broad City!
Asian men don’t deserve to have Asian wives. No one deserves another person. And about your examples - the WOC saying seeing white women everywhere is harmful is saying that because white women are portrayed as the ideal. The person saying seeing Asian women with white men is harmful is treating the Asian women as…
No no, sorry! I just didn’t want to reply directly to him and give him the satisfaction of a notification and attention. I should have made that clearer. I was talking to you about him.
Why the fuck is this racist troll in the black on The Root?! What the hell?! Honestly, I’m beginning to think the conspiracy theory that he’s an account run by the staff to stir up the comments section is trued. There is NO WAY Locomotive Jones could have fooled an author on The Root into thinking he was legit long…
I still miss Reader...
What I like about Subban is that he’s cheeky. That line about Listerine was really clever, great improv. And then you have Crosby come out and say “Dur, that’s not what I actually said!” Like, yeah, Crosby. We know. It was a funny deflection in response to a question Subban couldn’t answer on tv, most likely. Get on…
It’s weird, man. It’s weird to have blowouts both ways, right? I think we’ll win in Nashville and then go lose in 7 in Pittsburgh, cause the Preds just cannot win in Pittsburgh. But you’d think if you can go 5-1 in your hometown, you shouldn’t lose 6-0 in theirs.
Sort of democratically elected. Please don’t forget 3 MILLION more people voted for Clinton!
Yeah, I was watching, thinking, “Do not go to jail for this POS, he is not worth it!” I’d have tried to stop him, too, but not because I don’t want that racist garbagefire not to get hurt, but because I don’t want the black guy to go to jail on trumped-up charges.
The difference is, this guy wasn’t having suicidal thoughts. He was having homicidal thoughts, and just didn’t want to deal with any consequences. As someone who has been suicidal myself, I don’t see the commenters’ statements as being about people like us. If you’re thinking, “I want to die, but I don’t want my…
“Also, funny that remy ma killed niki on shether, much like Nas killed jayz on Ether. Best rap diss song of all time. Literally had jayz crying. 😂”
And if it’s from pattern rather than a reproduction of a copyrighted work (like a cross stitch of Mickey Mouse) you can always sell what you make from it.
Nah, not necessarily. I order promo items for my work several times a year, and I’ve ordered embroidered stuff before, and all they’ve asked for is a jpg.
This is not the case. Most safe haven laws are only applicable until the child is 72 hours old, although some allow you to surrender a child up to 1 month of age. No state allows you to surrender an older child without any consequences, and most won’t allow you to surrender a child at all just because you want to.
It sounds like you’ve got things a bit backward. Obama made the red line statement in August 2012. In August 2013 Bassad used chlorine gas to attack his citizens. Here’s a short summary from Politifact:
He didnt, though. Assad’s been gassing people for years, since 2013 I think. This is not the first time, and it was a hue embarrassment for Obama the first time it happened because he had said chemical warfare was the red line after which we would have to take action if Syria crossed.
Still convinced they’re the famous Dear Prudie incest twins:
Mutilation out of sight!