
This is literally the only thing I know him from, CDR radio. I was reading this article thinking, “That weird Adam and Eve Apple story guy? Well, good for him I guess!”

It would probably help you if you could just write all your thoughts in one comment, instead of spamming your own thread. It makes you look really hyperactive and a little unserious.

Well, you know your family better than I do. My family has slowly changed over time because of me, so I keep keeping on.

She’s looking like Yolandi Visser

That’s not what people are calling for in this thread, though. They’re literally calling for people to cut off all contact with anyone they know who supported Trump. That kind of isolationism is not healthy or realistic.

I am so grateful to work at a really blue place. We were all able to commiserate with each other, and the one Trump supporter (a Hispanic man!) said nothing provocative.

You are my absolute hero.


53% is not overwhelming.

Yeah, and if you cut off your family when they disagree with you, maybe you just removed the last person who disagrees with them from their life. Then who will persuade them to the right beliefs?

God just look at this horroshow. I can’t believe I have to pay attention to this orange nightmare for FOUR YEARS!

Gerrymandering is such a fucking crime. I get so furious thinking about it, but I also just feel so powerless. It’s not pithy enough to get people to care about it I guess.

I think a lot of whites women are single-issue voters, and that issue is abortion. They voted for Trump despite his distastefulness because teh unborn babiez are the most important thing.

That’s good to know.

I have no idea, actually. Maybe?

What a bizarre use of the term, then. I thought (and probably anyone else with English as a first language would think) you were using this definition:

My pleasure:

Actually, 25% of Johnson voters said Clinton was their second choice, with only 14% saying Trump was. The rest said they wouldn’t have voted at all.

53% is not “droves.”

No no! TWO years. We can get back the legislature in two years. We HAVE to get back the legislature in two years. I just hope the Dems have been taking notes on how the Republicans have obstructed every piece of government business these last eight years so the next two years don’t screw us all too badly.