
The thing is, I don’t see that happening. People who support Trump will never blame him. As just one example, we’ve had decades of trickle down economics and it’s been proven so completely that it doesn’t work, yet people still believe in it. People so often refuse to absorb any evidence that disproves their theories.

But they at least held elected office, and it was clear that politics was a career for them and the presidency was something they were working towards, not just something they decided on a whim they wanted.

But I said “work FOR it for decades.” He was involved in politics/activism/the law for decades. He had his bona fides.

I feel like this has irreparably damaged the office of POTUS, tbh. It used to be prestigious, and you had to work for it for decades, postition yourself, gain knowledge and skill and directly-related experience. Now we’ve elected a reality tv star with no ability to form a coherent paragraph, much less policy, and

Kelly Stout•11/08/16 11:39amHere’s a good reminder from our friends at ProPublica that you do not need ID or a voter card when you show up to vote. All you need is yourself. 

Yay! I feel like I won a game or something.

I wonder now if it was “A Ma Soeur!” That has a murder at a rest stop and it’s French.

I so, so agree about “Ils” - one of the most disturbing movies I’ve ever seen!

Them is Not Okay. Honestly, I LOVE supernatural horror, even serial killer stuff, but that kind of casual psychopathy really upsets me. Them, I Spit on Your Grave, Funny Games, The Strangers, Eden Lake - too grim.

Could it be Frontiers?

Yeah, that one was really scary too!

For a long time The Ring was the scariest movie I’d ever seen (just in terms of personal impact, not objectively or anything), but only until I saw Sinister. So it’s nice that good ol’ Vince is combining those two!

Right? 51% of Americans are less likely to vote for an atheist. If you want a Democrat to win, and the DNC’s job is to get a Democrat to win, you want to make sure the voters have all the information they need to make the decision. Rightly or wrongly, religious belief is a piece of information that is hugely important

Two of the seven young men suspected of mounting a campaign of aggressive groping at the second festival were unaccompanied refugee youth, reportedly living at a nearby accommodation centre.

Nah, your reasons why being too old is unacceptable are basically all reasons you could use verbatim for arguing people with disabilities shouldn’t be allowed to have kids - myriad health issues, not having the energy or strength to keep up with a teenager - all of these could be used against someone who uses a

Now playing

All kinds of people are assholes, not just white people.

They don’t put you under anesthesia while you’re just getting cleanings - that’s only for pretty serious surgeries. You’ll be fine.

Ugh. Sounds like Dear Zachary.

I think it comes from the Korean words for certain nationalities - hanguk means Korean, miguk means American, yeongguk means English, etc.