
Not to mention the fact that the United States receives about 350,000 undocumented immigrants each year (this includes many refugees from South American countries and Mexico), and has for about the past nine years, and in 2013 alone we added almost 1 million new legal permanent residents. So Germany taking in 500,000

It takes about two years for refugees seeking asylum to be vetted before gaining admittance to the US. Our process is really long and involved, and it’s harder to come over “illegally” and claim asylum from Syria. So basically, you’re right, IMO. If refugees want to be out of Syria while proceeding through the asylum

Wait, Abbi does not suck at her job. She’s constantly being complimented by Trey - he says no one can handle the pube situations like she can!

Here’s a link to that Cramer piece:

Actually, being overweight after 70 has a protective effect:

According to Kojimoko above:

Well, it wasn’t that romantic that she basically caused a lot of her assistants to die, too...

Have you tried Body Glide?

I’m really happy to have found out that Brandi is still doing beauty box reviews - I really miss those!

I just added you on Goodreads. I love Flavia de Luce!

I LOVE Sandman Slim!! Also, the audiobooks are AMAZING - the narrator is perfect for Stark, and he also does great voices for everyone else, too. Seriously, one of my favorite series of all time. I also love the idea that Lucifer actually misses his dad and wants to go home - that just seems really poignant to me

For people we’ve entrusted with firearms and the power to arrest and enforce the law, police sure are giant babies. “Oh, they said ‘Stop shooting us,’ that is SO MEAN! Why can’t the people we constantly shoot and kill even when they’re unarmed just RESPECT us?” Respect is earned, pals. You haven’t earned it, and

Good luck! :)

Have you read this? I tried to pull out a tweet for an intro, but I couldn’t pick one.

I thought you were Canadian? Am I confusing you with someone else?

You know what? How dare you. This is not a meme. It’s a quote by goddamn Margaret Atwood, an amazingly talented novelist, poet, and critic. It is NOT clumsy, it is concise and poignant, and just because you are too thick-skulled to understand it (you even quoted it wrong in a previous comment!) doesn’t mean it fails

Beyonce is not playing with this video. I love how she and Jay have supported BLM. Tidal just announced they’re donating 1.5 mil to BLM and other related activist groups, which is cool.

I freaking love Beyonce. I love how she has songs that talk about how amazing she is, in the exact same way as male rappers always do. I love the image of her taking Jay to the mall to buy some shoes as a treat for being good in bed.

NOT A GOOD TIME FOR FASHION! The patterns on that dress on the far left - that’s more fit for a horrible 90s sofa than clothing!