
Right? It’s the condescending white savior narrative - “We know better what these silly minorities actually need!”

Alternate take by a WOC:

In my headcanon he turned himself in and is serving a sentence in prison so that he and Daya can live openly together and raise their child when they both get out. This is the only answer I will accept.

It’s always a little sad when their voices start to go, though. I just went to listen to some Aretha on YouTube, and saw her cover of Rolling in the Deep and it was not good. Also whoever dressed her for that performance should be fired. She is the original diva and she deserved something better than an ill-fitting

I just went to listen on YouTube, and you were exactly right. It was so weird - her voice was practically trembling the entire time. Being able to sing quietly and still strongly is such a hallmark of a top-tier voice, IMO.

If someone is about to get their leg caught off, they’re in great danger of being killed and the police would, in Bekaby’s rulebook, be able to use deadly force. As I understand it, cutting the femoral artery is a great way to bleed out quickly.

Yeah, let’s also have academics to hand-hold other academics when filling out their tax forms and benefits forms, to run payroll and pass out checks, to schedule classes and classrooms and handle registration, to ensure that their colleagues’ research assistants are working more than their contracted number of hours,

Thank you for such a thoughtful response! I really appreciate your perspective on this, and I agree with everything you’ve written.

Wait, are you seriously saying that someone saying a movie title is dumb deserves days worth of harrassment? How can you possibly equate the two? One person said something was dumb. The other person told their thousands of followers to attack the first person. How on earth is that proportional?

Would it have made it too heavy?

I feel like this comment is really illustrative of what white people considering adoption are dealing with. On the one hand, you have people like you making really thoughtful comments about how mixed-race adoption brings with it issues that can be difficult or even impossible to conquer, as well as some other more

They’re supposed to look like middle-aged people? Cause none of the girls do.

But he looks 40! Doesn’t pass as a high-schooler to me.

My parents live in Nashville, so I go there multiple times a year! It would be cool to meet some Jezzies in the area!

DC is actually considering implementing something like that. It would be awesome.

“The Legislature finds that all human life comes from the Creator, has an inherent value that cannot be quantified by man, and begins at the earliest biological development of a fertilized human egg,”

Well, and the little bits of harrassment. Like, a man who peeks in the cracks of the stall just a little too long, a little too often. Who just happens to be there whenever you are, etc. It doesn’t even have to be straight-up assault - there’s lots of opportunities for perving in bathrooms that I could definitely see

Watching goth dancing makes me think two things: One, it looks dangerous - so much punching! Two, they remind me of Elaine dancing on Seinfeld.

How can you say it’s one of the most messed up things put out by an anime studio when Urotsukidoji exists? lol

Have you seen Winter’s Bone? It’s freaking amazing.