I know this is late, but I just wanted to say it’s still part of healthcare worker screening in Tennessee, as recently as last year.
I know this is late, but I just wanted to say it’s still part of healthcare worker screening in Tennessee, as recently as last year.
I need more information on your story! Is that your blood in the pictures?! What happened to the owner of the RV? Were they punished? Did you sue the hell out of them?
That’s way too simplistic. Theologists and scholars have been conflicted about and argued about this question for centuries. If it was so settled, we wouldn’t still be talking about it.
Well, the main issue here is the Trinity. God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are, in the Christian religion, all divine and all aspects/faces of the same God. If you don’t believe Jesus was divine, both God and man, then you don’t really believe in the same God, because an important aspect of the Christian God is that He…
I’m so sorry that happened to you.
OMG, now’s my chance! Ungrey me please!!
And also like GoT is nonfiction?!
I know! It’s especially surprising because I thought Joan didn’t give a damn about her reputation!
OMG. I am just learning, right now, from your comment, that the nutrients aren’t in the crust. So why do people care so much about kids eating the crusts?!
Nah, we’re actually number 7 richest:
That link is actually in the article - it’s the link for “interview.”
You are awesome.
I wish SO MUCH that GM would caption their photos. It’s often so unclear who’s in them and why.
Christina Aguilera tryna be like Kiefer.
Exactly. As Nancy Campbell’s daughter learned, you must NEVER work, even if it means you live in a home with no running water and no heart in the middle of winter, and your wood stove smokes so much that you can’t be in the house and you have to run laps around it in the freezing weather to stay warm. With your eight…
My point exactly! Campus police officers are too dumb to be regular police officers, so imagine what they’re like! The type of people who want the power and control that comes with having a gun and a badge (and the ability to make people obey you at a whim), but not even capable of passing police academy? Yikes!
How dare you. Bey and Jay will be together FOREVER!
He looks like Paul Ryan!
Definitely thought this was going to end with your lips now being glow-in-the-dark and the boyfriend noticing and DRAMA!