Be like, “Jesus is the reason for New Year’s?! I had no idea!”
Be like, “Jesus is the reason for New Year’s?! I had no idea!”
Yay!!!!!!!!!! You used wary correctly!!! Have a star!
Really? It sounds pretty deep to me, or at least her speech at the ESPY’s definitely did.
Yup! At least our managers backed us up on that, though. Otherwise I would NOT have been able to handle it!
Yeah, I definitely believe you (and the bazillion other people that are saying the same thing, including Abby, lol!). It’s just so weird that the policies could be so incredibly different based on the store you go to! Definitely explains some of the fury I got when I told people they couldn’t use expired coupons.
It’s so interesting that people are saying this, because I worked at BB&B almost a decade ago and at our store at least, coupons absolutely did expire. We would check the date and never let people use expired ones, and we were really strict about not using them in combination. We’d let people do multiple transactions…
It’s from the movie The Ring.
Yeah, that doesn’t surprise me at all, like I said. Actually, I’m kind of surprised now that I thought my roommate’s situation was the norm - nothing else ever is for them, lol! And no, they were an admin assistant before this job, though they did get an MA (although as someone else who has one, I know for an absolute…
I dunno. I do know they stay home on Fridays - they work for a congressperson on a committee, maybe that’s also a different thing than working for the committee or working for a congressperson? Also never has come home that late. My roommate says they get Fridays off because they’re “fly out days.” I know they had…
Yeah, they don’t though. My roommate never goes in on Fridays, and never, ever comes home that late. Roommate is a committee staffer, I don’t know if that makes a difference, but they definitely don’t go in on Fridays and get weeks off at a time. And the times they come home late, it’s cause they were at an event at…
Also, it makes me jealous because my roommate works for a congressman, and while they don’t fly back to Iowa or wherever every week, they still get to take off every single Friday and weeks at a time when Congress is isn’t in session, while making the same salary as if they had to work an actual five-day-week like…
This is SUCH a good answer! Thank you thank you!
Martyrs didn’t bother me*, neither did Frontiers, but I had to turn Inside off, even before it got to the gross part. There’s a shot where the pregnant woman is sitting on a couch in her home, and in the background you very slowly begin to make out that there’s someone standing there, and the shot just seemed to go on…
Seen August Underground?
She asked how they would solve the problem in their sit-down in August, and the BLM protestors had nothing to say, except that they wanted her to “reflect on her part in perpetuating white supremacist violence.” I think it’s totally fine for a politician, who sets and influences policy, to ask activists what policies…
She was giving the speech to lay out her policy, though, from what I read. So she was there to lay out her policy, and the BLM activists were protesting her demanding she lay out her policy, while preventing her from laying out her policy...seems dumb.
You’re Next is kind of like that.
There is a movie, Coherence, that is a little, little bit like this. It’s hard to describe it without spoiling it, so SPOILER ALERT:
OMG do you read Popville too? Love it!
But she had childcare with her, and still wanted to keep wearing the baby while in the conference. I don’t think the presence of free on-site daycare would have changed anything about this story, because I don’t think this particular woman would have used it.