That’s great to hear. When my cousin was an EMT she told me all the “hilarious” jokes they made about the “super fat” people they had to help. It was really upsetting.
That’s great to hear. When my cousin was an EMT she told me all the “hilarious” jokes they made about the “super fat” people they had to help. It was really upsetting.
Also, notice how he includes his lunch break and commute time in to his 50-hour work week. That’s definitely an exaggeration. Remove that, take an hour a day for lunch, remove the 40 minute commute round trip, and what’s this? He’s working about 42 hours a week. Not so amazing after all.
Also, a lot of recipes assume some level of knowledge - they’ll say “saute lightly until caramelized” or something like that. What does saute mean? What does caramelized mean? What is lightly? These are not obvious - the vocabulary of cooking is specialized in ways that people who have been cooking for a long time…
As a guy I knew in college once said, “Study abroad? What does that mean! I ain’t no scientist!”
Unfortunately it’s not the first time I’ve had to do that with Gawker...
That’s what AdBlock is good for! I right-clicked on that picture on the sidebar, selected “AdBlock Plus: block image” and chose the image address (usually the top option in the set of buttons), refreshed the page, and voila! I didn’t have to see a possible sexual assault flashing at me every few seconds!
The first comment 5a used “she.” I don’t know why it’s such a big deal that Ken Yadiggit continued using the same gender context.
It’s so weird how the first comment said “she” all throughout as the cheater, and “she” in 5a, but when you commented from the perspective of the “she” in 5a suddenly it’s so unfair that you didn’t make it gender neutral. The comment you were responding to wasn’t gender neutral!
This is something that I’ve had to do a lot of thinking about. I’m a serious knitter, and I love to knit little garlands and decorations for my office. I constantly have coworkers tell me “You should sell that!” or “You should make an Etsy shop!” The thinking I’ve had to do is to find a polite, nice way to say…
I knew about it because most chain restaurants have yellow nacho dip (I’ve found), but most of the Mexican restaurants that are local/single-location-types have the white kind. It’s usually super-bland, though, and I think often made with white American cheese in the kind of cheapy places I go to.
Lol okay, I’m dumb probably. When you said chili con queso I was imagining like, meaty chili with cheese. But chile con queso means chile peppers with cheese, I guess, so that makes more sense.
I’m pretty sure it was salsa con queso, not chili con queso?
If you’re interested, here is a list of support groups.
I have to admit, at first I wasn’t sure how Dolezal was different from transgender people, but I read A LOT and listened A LOT and now I think I have an understanding of what makes that situation different. What I understand is that race is different from gender because of issues of community, heritage, and shared…
I’m comparing the historical treatment of transgender people with the treatment of people with BIID. Decades ago, transgender people were considered mentally ill and it was considered unethical for doctors to perform SRS. People argued that transgender people shouldn’t be allowed to “mutilate” themselves permanently…
Is this different from how trans people were treated back when being trans was considered a mental illness? Radfems believe that transwomen are also appropriating a marginalized identity.
That is so interesting! I’ve often wanted to respond to people who say “All white people look alike” by saying “But look at the hair! The hair color is different!” so it was really interesting to read in the article that white babies learn to differentiate based on hair and eye color, while babies of other races use…
Nah, it’s both kind of. Contractors don’t get retroactive pay, but federal employees aren’t assured retroactive pay either. They just are eligible to get it if Congress decides to not be completely sociopathic and give it to them. Essential personnel that are excepted from furlough don’t get paid, but they are…
I would say in a lot of cases DC doesn’t know what’s good for us. Look at how often we re-elected Marion Barry, for goodness’ sake! And then Fenty, who was a pretty good mayor, was run out of town for Vince Gray, who was immediately under the shadow of scandal (something about an opposition candidate actually being on…
I would like to explain a little bit about her speech. When she says “the great I am,” it should really be read as “the Great I Am.” It’s a name for God. When Moses asked God His name, he replied “I Am that I Am.” When read correctly, her speech is just slightly less bonkers, so I thought I’d share.