
It’s so interesting how different this article’s tone is from the Buzzfeed article on the same topic that I read a couple days ago. The Buzzfeed article pointed out several times, with quotes from the DOJ, that there is absolutely no legal ground for the plaintiffs to demand to see the emails Clinton deleted because

At our libraries your meeting has to then be open to any member of the public that chooses to attend. Is that the same in your area?

I have had gynecologists tell me stuff like this too. Like, I had spotting for weeks at a time after a year or so without placebos, and my gynecologist said I really need to take the placebos (mine are the once-every-three-months type), or else it backs up and you start bleeding intermittently. This doesn’t make any

If you are on the pill, and you get pregnant, would you therefore not have withdrawal bleeding during placebo time? I mean, if the on-the-pill bleeding isn’t really because you’re sloughing off your uterine lining, why would it not happen if you’re pregnant?

Is it this one?

Yeah, fatter old people live longer, though. And fatter old people have better recoveries from things like cancer.

Yeah, I mean, I think it’s wrong to find fat people disgusting. Not being attracted to fat people is fine, but disgust? That’s not cool. Attraction matters in dating/relationships only. Disgust permeates your attitude towards people throughout all aspects of life. If you find fat people disgusting, you might be a

Ummmmmm....does he work for NASA in DC? Like, the one that has the library?

But I’ve read many, many people say that there should be no interracial adoption - that white people adopting Asian or black children is wrong, and separates them from their heritage and harkens back to colonialism and is damaging to the children. Or that interracial adoption is okay, but only if the adoptive parents

I think it’s because there is a further remove between watching a film and listening to a song. The actors in the film are clearly not real - they are playing characters, and in their next film they will play different characters, and you can read interviews where they talk about what it’s like to play those

The score was SO GOOD in the first one! Honestly, really perfect. Should have been nominated for something.

Have you seen Bedevilled? That is messed up. Three Extremes is classic. White: The Melody of the Curse is okay. Epitaph is very creepy.

*******spoilers for Sympathy for Lady Vengeance*******

Wasn’t it actually Citizens United Not Tired? The lovely acronym was the point.

This was my ultimate reaction, too. At first I was disgusted by how opportunistic and gross it seemed to have the Duggars on a show about sexual assault - clearly trying to mend their reputations. But then I thought, “Maybe the family will let their children watch the show, since they’re in it. And maybe that will be

Tbh just watching it makes me tired! So much energy!

Not really, though. I mean, Nicki Minaj was nominated three times for the VMAs, so it wasn’t that she wasn’t nominated, it was that she wasn’t nominated for the exact award she thought she deserved. But two out of the five artists nominated for that award were black, and a third video had a black guest star, so it

Actually I love shit like that. Not exactly that, but like this:

I think it’s more like, the world would be better if people with disabilities didn’t have those disabilities. For instance, I suffer from some mental health issues that can be disabling. Would I rather I had been born without those issues? Yes, absolutely! SO SO MUCH! I actually sometimes struggle with feeling angry