
And if even one was to showcase Shenmue III - they would win instantly

I dont think we have ever had real confirmation that it was ever a timed exclusive - all Phil Spencer said was the deal had a duration and everybody reported it was timed exclusive based on what he said - which to be fair is not what he said at all it could well be that the exclusivity duration is the one title which

Didn't a massive one of these just get put forward for review on Ideas? What a shame that will get mothballed now. (Looking at whats left on this review its pretty easy to guess what will be made) Still it is an impressive piece. just a shame because I liked the ideas one better

After the disappointment that was Lego Batman 3 I'm sceptical about these to say the least :( - As great as it will be to travel through an Lego MCU after the hugeness and epicness of Marvel Super heroes it feels like a step back - unless off course they can bypass license rights and input some non MCU characters...

Worried about the possibility of this - Fawkes as good as he is, only seems to bring it good scripts - afterall Insurrection and Thunderbirds weren't all that and the two Nu-Treks we have already are not known for being all that good in terms of script - That being said... I'd love a Trek Alumn to give it a go...

Shenmue, Skies of Arcadia, Grandia II to name a few. Oh Elemental Gimmick Gear would be good too

No I quite agree, I came to the same sort of solution... im just saying the third clue could still apply even if the eldest chikd was apart of a twin set...

But as ive mentioned elsewhere its still flawed logic. You can have twins with different colour hair (my two cousins do being non identical) and one of them is still the eldest

ive solved it, but the logic is flawed... either of the two answers can still be correct. You still need an elder twin

im guessing there is an infinate number of places the hunter could start from at the south pole where after his walk south, his walk east would take him to exactly where he started due to the cicumfrence being exactly a mile at that point of the south pole, but that doesnt explain why the bear would always be a polar

so this to me is similar to the liars puzzle from labarynth... only with two extra questions and 1 extra person. So first thingsfirst we have two questions to eliminate random god...

Logically, lets break this down.... if there was only 1 dragon you have ultimately told him to turn into a sparrow.

Hopefully by Xmas hey will have stopped writing the 12th Doctor like and mild version of Malcolm Tucker and introduce a little fun. God even Hartnell wasn't all about anger and isults and laughed once in a while...

So we are now 6 episodes in and I am really disliking this Doctor... We have the writers, writing him as a less offensive Malcolm Tucker, but still Tucker none the less, while Capaldi cant decide which Doctor to take inspiration from... Serious I've seen 1 - 7 so far and its not making for a very good mix.

I might be mistakening my facts here, but im sure I have read somewhere that it was indeed announced too early , but tetsuya did it just to let us know hed not forgot. Judging by whats been said here too it sounds like they have just thrown together a trailer so expect the finished game in 2022 that looks nothing like

I'm not sure on the cannon of this one but I'm sure there was an indi/star wars cross over commix in which indi finds a "tomb" for a very decayed Han Solo. That's something right?

Im in two minds to if i want to see this remade or not - on one hand Id love to play VII in glorious HD, o the other hand, this is Square-Enix, they would mess it up :(

I didn't even make it to the moon! By the time I got round to getting my xbone there was only 6ish hours left of the beta.

So going to a system like the star system. Welcome news. I miss my star :'(

As long as it doesnt have box art like Arkham City's GotY I am happy