My experience has varied across the store... but there are a few stores that the staff members are on you as soon as you enter the store - A quick I am fine sends them away, but when you finally do need them they are no where to be seen.
My experience has varied across the store... but there are a few stores that the staff members are on you as soon as you enter the store - A quick I am fine sends them away, but when you finally do need them they are no where to be seen.
Its highly unlikely we'll ever be out dressed up there. There is a big wet thing between our towns.
Jusging by the few shows that are ending or have ended this year - House and Terra Nova (I havent kept up with Touch so don't know the status of that) there sure are a few openings for some shows to have one last run... I dont see why they wouldn't at least give Alcatraz a second series considering how popular over…
My friend once Cosplayed as Altair and the amount of interest of girls he got that night was unreal - so no you cant be the only one like this.
Haha I just mentioned something similar to you second paragraph a bit further down - I think this final episode really brought the season together for me and I see it exactly as you do.
This show seems to be really popular over here in England - I know a lot of people who see a lot of potential in this show, whether or not this will die down as they start to see episode 6 and beyond who knows?
On the same day it is also the 25th Anniversary of my birth.
I hope she is not a Kotaku Reader.... might go feral on me in my sleep tonight.
No I agree - I can not see it getting adapted anytime soon, but what a perfect way for Hamill to bow out - anyway, my point was - he's not quite done doing voice work for The Joker - just that the right circumstances need to be applied.
I stand corrected - how could I forget about Squirrel Girl ;)
Absolute love the LEGO games, it has become a bit of an obsession of mine to get them all 100%ed... so much time spent chasing mini kits and gold bricks - this is probably going to be a day 1 purchase for me.
Not quite - He said if the Killing Joke ever was adapted into a animated film He'd be all over that!
I think Batman is 9272348.32 times cooler than any other super hero...
It is a really hard choice for me - VII has pure nostalgia value for me because it was the first RPG I ever played and it intorduced me to the series... - the UK wasn't really blessed with the genre before hand,
All Tales games take a while to get going - for me anyway... Symphonia didnt pick up until after the visit to the Tower of Salvation and Vesperia was well into the second act before I was involved... they do take a while, but i think the investment in worth it, esp on Abyss. Abyss gets amazing towards the end.
Meh Sonic 4 wasn't that bad you know, granted it wasn't perfect, but I still enjoyed playing it. - I have pretty much come to accept that no matter what the sonic game, the sonic fans are going to find something wrong with it. With 4 it was the fact Sonic shouldnt have had the homing attack, and the physics felt to…
Pokemon Rainbow? All versions mixed into one.
Oh that is cringe worthy, it gets worse in the TV series...
Still a better love story than Twilight.
Sorry, Dan Aykroyd. you can catch it here [] Don't know if they are like the BBC and you have to be in UK to view though... I think he was on last half hour of show if you can watch it.