Not quite - He said if the Killing Joke ever was adapted into a animated film He'd be all over that!
Not quite - He said if the Killing Joke ever was adapted into a animated film He'd be all over that!
I think Batman is 9272348.32 times cooler than any other super hero...
It is a really hard choice for me - VII has pure nostalgia value for me because it was the first RPG I ever played and it intorduced me to the series... - the UK wasn't really blessed with the genre before hand,
All Tales games take a while to get going - for me anyway... Symphonia didnt pick up until after the visit to the Tower of Salvation and Vesperia was well into the second act before I was involved... they do take a while, but i think the investment in worth it, esp on Abyss. Abyss gets amazing towards the end.
Meh Sonic 4 wasn't that bad you know, granted it wasn't perfect, but I still enjoyed playing it. - I have pretty much come to accept that no matter what the sonic game, the sonic fans are going to find something wrong with it. With 4 it was the fact Sonic shouldnt have had the homing attack, and the physics felt to…
Pokemon Rainbow? All versions mixed into one.
Oh that is cringe worthy, it gets worse in the TV series...
Still a better love story than Twilight.
Sorry, Dan Aykroyd. you can catch it here [] Don't know if they are like the BBC and you have to be in UK to view though... I think he was on last half hour of show if you can watch it.
He was on ITV's loose woman today (Britains version of The View) Anyway, he seemed pretty hopeful about it getting made, Said everybody wants to do it etc, its just he wants an amazing script otherwise its not worth doing.
My Cinema charger £7.50 for 2d £9.50 for 3d which equates too around $13.45 and $15.00 respectively... given the fact that these are a lot higher than the average US and your prices even more so. The Average Value of tickets is really inacurate... Everything else goes on units sold, wether it be games, cd's or sports…
Ahhh yeah you raise a good point... never thought of it like that - to be honest though I wouldn't I dont are much for Marvel and am more a DC fan so have not seen Iron Man 2, Thor or Cap America... Still I think your right. It must be to do with the studio wanting there top billed cast having there face shown. Still…
Thanks for the clarification...
I think the untold story is basically the high school setting - they seem to be pushing the fact that this is peter at high school and not how he was in the other films - still you are right, its by far from untold - Spider-man is one of them heroes that don't really need a origin. He could just kinda burst onto the…
Why do they always insist on a unmasked Spider-Man scene?
Well, I was looking at my collection of games earlier and noticed there were just shitloads of games I gave up on never finished... I have now made it my new years resolution to finish these 17 games by 2013 >> tune in next year to find out if it was done!
I am a big big Final Fantasy fan, played them all to death, bar XIII, which was a one time play through only, I hated not having the freedom to go to town or just kick back and relax somewhere, for me it didnt really start to get good until about 25 hours in, when you go to a certain place, but by then I wasnt really…
Well I have recently started using twitter again :D
I just took it as Nintendo kinda "disowned" the pre N64 games and put them in a what if time line, I'm still under the impression that there are two distinctive timelines, but now they have added a "what if Link failed" one; which he didn't, so to me it doesn't exist. Which to me makes kinda sense as those games were…
Cumberbatch is one of our great actors, The first time I saw him was in a show about Hawking, playing the title character - he was amazing, knew after watching that he would go far and we would loose a fine actor to Hollywood.