
@黒人: I thought they had confirmed that stealth would be in MGS: Rising - just at a more faster pace than than we are used too - they likened to hunting I think

Calling it now! Metal Gear and Metal Gear: Solid Snake remakes!

They can't confirm them without having seen the episode - they need someone like me to confirm it and I don't go on that site anymore, basicly because they have had enough information abou the episodes from me.

They didn't review the show! The website administrator hasn't seen it, but a reader of the site was lucky enough to go see it and got asked to do a review for them - I know because I was the reviewer. And yes before you ask, the spoilers are true and are pretty big!

I was one of the lucky ones to go last night - I've posted a pic of me a Moffat on her somewhere

He is even better in this new series.

All ready seen it :D it is fantastic!

@raezing: reading the Synopsis wont spoil the episodes for you - I watched them last night and can tell you they are some of the best episodes yet.

@Coen: I can confirm that is not a future doctor boarded up in area 51.

Did everybody notice Tennant's TARDIS at around 36/37 seconds??

I can't help but look at her boobs in the 2nd picture :/

I'd have thought you'd have got starred for a speak up...

This film is brilliant, watched it on Saturday night and was in hysterics.

@greatsage10001: Of course its contradicting! using some of your words here, if you pirate a game its a good a going into a shop and stealing it. Yes as you put it, you can go and buy that game at a later date and the publishers/developers/store gets the money for it - though theft is still theft, the justice system

You say you support piracy, yet are really against this? That's so contradicting I seriously have no words!

I wont lie, this news gave me a semi! It wont happen though... Hopefully 1 + 2 will make there way to the Live Arcade and Playstation Store though

Do we have a price for the UK?

I can totally see Nolan taking the "Bane break Batman's back" story of the comics! Why? End it without the possibility of someone else coming along and playing with his vision of Batman

What are the current browsers it is compatible with? You see, work is still running IE6 and the gawker site struggle sometimes on there. I hope this change doesn't stop me accessing at work.

Erm, I looked at the red one and seen nothing but a Pokeball! Saying that I've been seeing Pokemon related items all over the spot!