
@Bubbleman!: Alll i was trying to point out is that you hear nothing from this game and then all of a sudden a little announcement like this, which in all honesty means nothing, and people go nuts expecting something at e3! telling you it wont happen. e3 this year for Square will be all about FFXIV and possibly KH3

@Rampage: I don't think there will be an E3 Announcement- we've all ready been told not to hold our breath for this game - my guess is that there will be very little if any of this game shown - e3 for SE will be all about FFXIV

@Bubbleman!: I never said it wouldn't be on 360, heck truth be told it coming out on 360 is possibly the only chance I'd get to play it with what having no PS3 an all...the point I was trying to make is people will now assume there is going to be some sort of announcement at e3, when we have all ready been told not to

Square -Enix Executive "Oh heres an thought, we haven't mentioned FF Versus XIII in some time, people may have forgotten about it!"

It's R2 I do :D

@emag: Good Call Sir!

How did Gametrailers top 10 sequels not make this list??

@dnadns: Well, this is most unfortunate. US proxy it is....

@dnadns: Its okay, I am having the same trouble in England - never had this problem before though!

We're sorry,

@metallicorphan: I don't think they could bring in some new found bullshit way to do magic - Materia is such a cornerstone in the VII world. Esp to VII story...

Now playing

I think of Pokemon songs and I think of the Poke Rap by Ant and Dec - bit wrong I think...

Would like there to be some news on a Kingdom Hearts 3 - I doubt it very much though...I imagine it will be mainly showing of the "arc"

In terms of GMT, what time will I have to stay up too tonight??

Erm - I am under 25 and I remember Jungle Strike! I also remember Desert and Urban! they were rock hard back in the day!

I imagine it may possibly be like ToV - download items, levels and possibly Gil...

@shouryuuken: Haha Sonic 2's level select code...

Best idea they have had for Sonic in a long time and the good news is I fail to see anyway they can fuck it up, still I've been hurt by Sonic before...

Does the old one look a bit thinner than the new one??