
Oh my god, that date she went on with that guy was ameeeeezing. It made all of my dates seem like Fabio.

Good god, Mitchell...

You guys are my favorite. I write secret fanfiction about your lives in a private... or not so private journal.

Ironic that there’s another story on Jez about Rose McGowan’s agent dumping her because she voiced her views on sexism in Hollywood, but this guy validly pulled out of a show because of political views, and most likely will suffer no consequences.

Well sure, with that confidence.

What is up with biology teachers? They’re like... the most cruel, strange teachers of them all.

You’re still married?

This comment, and your username, are a perfect match.

WHY do mothers do that? When I have kids, I will never talk about their bodies except in a positive way. Moms are the ultimate self esteem destroyers.... >:(

My mom told most people my whole life, “(My sister) eats to live, (me) lives to eat.”


Fascinators are my everything. I wear flowers in my hair every day, but when I get a chance to wear a fascinator, you bet your ass I wear one of the many I now hoard.

Yep. I wholeheartedly agree. Teenagers today are just... they’re awful. At one point I was sleeping with a just turned 20 year old (I know... I know... but he was hot, if not dumb as shit), and I literally felt like his mother most of the time, even though I’m only 6 years older.

I assumed as much.

Circle back.

I find that although I am a huge proponent of thinking the best of everyone, I am still a cynical, judgmental asshole. I get total joy out of secretly hating other people in my mind. It’s the only way I can get through the day.

Yes, but how will the 57 year old you feel about the 7 year old you? Inquiring minds need to know.

I’m 26 as well, and there are people my age who also are involved with baes and wanton sexting.

Me too! I was fucking a dude and I didn’t want to keep doing, so he immediately stopped. Funny, dudes can be logical and not lose their minds when they have erections, even in the middle of a sex act!

You guys, let’s stop complaining and bitching and moaning. Girls like tall guys. Doesn’t matter if they’re 5’11” or 6’8”. If you’re taller than 5’8”, you’re fine.