
I literally gasped at this. It is exactly how I feel. Why on earth can't I just go to work, do my job, not offer myself up to projects or assignments, and just check the fuck out? I envy mindless and checked out colleagues. I really do.

How ironic that I missed out on a promotion today because I'm "too emotional" and have to learn how to keep my emotions in check. According to the hiring manager, I have to know my audience and have to learn to have a thick skin because everyone is so sensitive that I rub them the wrong way. Too emotional, you say?

Hair flowers, my friend. Endless amounts of hair flowers.

It sounds like you're well on your way, you just need that last push to get there. And I honestly don't see why you should put up with anyone who isn't as amazing as you, because from what I can tell, you have got it going on! Hold your head up, it's a long road, but you deserve to see the end of it. I'm rooting for

This is me. Seriously, are you me in a weird time warp kind of incident? Anyway, the best thing that has ever helped me get over thoughts of inadequacy was something my therapist told me. (Keep in mind that at one point a few months ago I was an extremely self conscious bulimic who has basically started thinking and

It isn't her, don't you understand?!? It's someone who is pretending to be her! She lives in Canada and has blonde hair and doesn't have windows in her apartment and drives around on a unicorn shaped minibus! Geez, Jezebel, get your story straight...

I wholeheartedly disagree that profanity is equal to ignorance or poor vocabulary choice. I use profanity constantly, and still have the best grammar, spelling, and language skills of anyone at my day job. I also work in theatre part time, and most of my constituents use fuck and shit every other word, but happen to