Went to middle school in central Florida. Can confirm that living there makes someone think this is a solid life choice.
Went to middle school in central Florida. Can confirm that living there makes someone think this is a solid life choice.
This story would have been so much better if their diabolical plan was thwarted by werewolves mauling and killing them. But all the werewolves in Florida have been killed by invasive boas. Respect the environment.
Plus you can snort your coke off of it! It’s a multi-use item!
I guess you were so concerned about reading comprehension that you completely failed to read the rest of the post. Nice work, bud.
Srsly, the world is going to end in less than 18 years so why do women even want or need breeding partners at this point anyway?
It took me a solid 5 minutes of trying to figure out why “Jack Cooke Kent” was a racist slur to realize you meant the actual team name. It’s been a day...
*shudders* The fingerprints!
Yes, didn’t you get it with your check from George Soros?
It’s very functional as it has room for transporting and using lots of coke without getting it all over your iPhone
Wait. There’s supposed to be a monthly allowance?!
I think the message here for women is don’t date dudes 15+ years older than you. Or the same age as you. Or younger than you. Just, like, stop interacting with men really. I think after 5000 years of human civilization, we can declare that the experiment has failed. Nice try, good effort, but I think it’s time to…
it would be an upper case-C Crisis, for sure (even if said hypothetical women were the biggest 2nd amendment patriots imaginable)
Yep. If women killed men with the frequency that men kill women it would be a bigger global issue than climate change.
so weird that a lot of angry male exes seem to kill women. is there a strong correlation here? we may never know....
“The police chief would not go into further details about what happened with that investigation.”
...but you should speak the native language of the country...
Dude is all sorts of not terribly bright.
I think the exhaustion is deliberate. They are trying to tire us out so that we don’t respond as the truth is subverted and subverted and subverted.
These bigots are exhausting.