
This is why the Right is CRUSHING us. They are able to mobilize in a way that we just haven’t been able to. Even though they are dying out, even though they are almost certainly outnumbered, they keep winning when it counts.

why do you think her taking action now makes her previous actions beyond reproach?

Yes, happy to fucking have them. I’ll take allies wherever I can. 

I’m no longer surprised by how many people are just completely disengaged with everything.  They need to hear from their favorite celebrity or they’re not going to hear it at all.

Who cares as long as they vote? News flash: the majority of humanity cares most about themselves and their own. Not everyone is an activist, not everyone wants to be, most people just want to live their lives and not have to worry about other shit that doesn’t directly affect them. And honestly, as long as they come

Co-signed. Bredesen stands a chance at being the first TN Democrat elected to the Senate since 1990. He’s problematic (e.g., said he would support Kavanaugh’s nomination), absolutely, but Blackburn is just...vile.

Please. The left wouldn’t be the left if they weren’t shitting on their own. Sometimes it pisses me off that my political beliefs mean that I have to constantly deal with judgy control freaks who love nothing more than to censor and tut-tut and shit on their own for never being perfect enough.

I also don’t understand why we keep presenting a false dichotomy of “giving her a cookie” OR “shitting on her”. You can report on this without praising or condemning her.

I’d even go so far as to say that the midterms are more important than the presidential election in a red state like Tennessee. Also, if you can get people to register to vote in the midterms, getting them to vote for president two years later should be a cakewalk.

Yeah, looking back, I’m not sure that it was the force of Scott Baio and Ted Nugent that propelled Trump to the presidency while only piddly nobodies like Beyonce and Meryl Streep shilled for that hack Clinton. 

Sorry/not sorry, but this is a dumb take. Most (if not every) Democratic presidential nominees since the 60s has had a huge celebrity endorsement advantage over their opponent. If star power was a big factor in motivating voters, Democrats would have won every national election for the past 50 years. So the idea that

All any women I know are talking about now is how important it us for us to vote this November, and now that Taylor Swift has greatly helped in that effort she still gets criticized. Yet can you imagine the fanfare had it been Beyonce the Woody Allen fan, or Cardi B? Fyi it’s possible to be a proud woman of color

Yeah, I’m not exactly seeing what good the whole “you shoulda don it earlier” is supposed to do. OTOH, these are the people that wrote the whole “we’re to cool to vote” article the week before the election, so whatever.

This. It *hurts* me to defend her, but damn it, this is good. She’s late to the party, but she’s here, and we need a big turnout for the midterms and she’s helping with that. 

Due to all of the above, I’ll fucking take it, though.

Jesus you guys. This is GOOD. Just let it be good.

I am far from a T-swift fan but I can’t help but find it ridiculous to be mad at this. Also it’s easy to shit on people after the fact.

Is hating on Taylor Swift no matter what a specific rider in the employment contract with Jezebel?

I, for one, blame Tom Cruise for 2016, as he didn't make an endorsement either.

“Uh, where was Taylor Swift during the 2016 presidential election?”