You’re out of your damn mind if you think Tom Cruise could come up with an argument that cohesive.
You’re out of your damn mind if you think Tom Cruise could come up with an argument that cohesive.
I really am trying my best to stay hopeful. But whoo boy, these last dozen years or so since the 2016 election have really worn on me.
Wow! You read a lot into the two sentences I wrote. None of it’s at all what I’m thinking, but I just wanted to acknowledge such an impressive feat.
If they were planning to name it Oscar Bieber, I wish they’d gone with a wiener dog...
does some type of thing with “Philadelphia Fusion,” which is not the shuttered exurb outpost of a Univision holding but some kind of “esports team” having to do with the “Overwatch League.”
It’s a requirement for Jezebel posts to have at least one factually incorrect item per story that could have been easily verified via Google.
There is no Pepe Silvia!
They were half right-- it also wasn’t for men.
He shouldn’t have had the platform in the first place! This is a part that should have a gone to one of the thousands talented openly out gay actors. What he is doing is the gay equivalent of White Saviorism. He stole a platform, was rewarded for it and then blinded you with basic virtue signaling. Wake up
Pittsburgh is not the rust belt. By 1960 we had 3 major Universities and was 2nd in terms of HQs only to NYC. Conflating Pittsburgh with Bessmer or Kenosha is a misnomer. Pittsburgh definitely had a strong blue-collar aura but the actual reality of the town has been fundamentally more middle-class than it ever let…
When it begins with a reference to people “slathering over” something, you know it’s just gonna be downhill from there. Unless butter or liberally-applied sunscreen figure into this mess somehow.
And (sorry for multiple replies), it is always the case that white women come before black. So a principle framed as ‘celebrate the victories’ will always just mean ‘celebrate white women getting a win and don’t yell too loudly about black women being left out’. That’s all it means. There is a hierarchy to how…
Maybe stop pretending that it’s possible to live an ethically unblemished life? It’s a statistical guarantee that there are rapists and harassers among the “writers, directors, producers, and other actors” whose income you’re trying to protect, too, but you haven’t heard about them because they’re less famous than CK.…
but I just couldn’t bring myself to outright ask a Tinder match for sex.
While all of that is true nothing excuses their complete abandonment of logic. They just don’t give a shit if character actions make sense.
Too late. After the rotting pile of garbage they served fans last season? Six episodes is not enough to fix it and get it right.
Fine. She’s not a racist.
She also sues anyone and their mother for things like this, so I find this turnabout quite entertaining.