As my grandpa and my mom told me growing up, “Buy land. God ain’t making any more of it.”
As my grandpa and my mom told me growing up, “Buy land. God ain’t making any more of it.”
The Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund (TLDEF) press release is at, and contains a link to the complaint itself, which can be viewed at
Yikes, I’m not one to be like “what if the sexes were reversed!!” But I mean <<that. “It’s hard to tell when Jax is exaggerating events”? Dang gang. This woman’s actions are called “abuse.” Destroying phones? Controlling behavior? Insane jealousy? Physical assault? That’s textbook. I’m surprised this is such a…
Canada’s own Dennis Feinstein/Dante Fiero.
You know, I expected this article to have a strong mra-flavored troll patrol going on. I *didn’t* expect them to pile on just one commenter like they’ve done to you.
No. No. And HELL NO!
In happier news:
Travis “throws a lot of stuff out there”, but when he gets a hit, oh boy...
I’m going to nitpick here, I’m sorry. Salma didn’t challenge Jessica’s views, she dismissed and diminished her with obvious condescension, at a table where Jessica’s voice was more important to hear than Salma’s.
Those cheeks! They both look like they attended finishing school at Benedict Cumberbatch’s Home for Sharp-Faced Boys.
MBMBaM references aside, I do love them so much.
As a Jew and non Zionist, I’ve seen my fair share fair of anti Semitism disguised as anti Israel (or anti Zionist) sentiment, though. Hell, plenty of people just blame “the Jews” outright for Israel. So yeah...plenty of us have enjoyed some effed up shit from “leftists.”
I agree with the thrust of what you are saying but you really lost a lot of credibility with suggesting EGR was “the best.”
It’s Whitney being Whitney. I can’t think of a single weekend when she hasn’t screwed the pooch in one way or another; the mis-steps are seriously cringe-inducing.
For many Jews, “Jew” is an ethnicity; in the US, most often it refers to being of Ashkenazi descent, the ethnic group which the majority of American Jews can trace their origin to. Thus, it comes with a huge amount of ethnic and cultural traditions that are distinct and separate from the actual religion. So you can be…
Yeah, this is a hill I’ll die on each and every time, though Jezebel readers tend to snark hard on bad grammar and punctuation: looking down on someone for poor written or verbal communication is classist and ableist and unkind. Good communication skills are not a solid indicator of intelligence or worth. Come at me,…
Also works perfectly! There’s just something that really speaks to me about “shame on a neighbor who tries to run game on a neighbor.” Indeed, it just isn’t neighborly behavior.
We’ve discussed this to death over the last several weeks. If you don’t get it by now, you never will.
I have no idea why it was on for as long as it was.
(Same logic goes for any woman who *wasn’t* groped on the set of Entourage.)
A lot of those women saw themselves in lena and can’t grasp that they might be racist as fuck as well.