Uncle Iroh

God, I’m so fucking sick of this woman and her highly calculated public persona. If you don’t want attention on your romances, then don’t make so many public appearances at televised NFL games - which seem exactly designed to rehabilitate the NFL’s image and continue the rampant interest in Taylor’s dating life. This

“They’re annoyed at the enormity at which those things happen, often seeming extremely deliberate in it’s attack on “straight white men”

Oh come on. As a straight white man, absolutely none of those stories with female or minority or LGBTQ even remotely feel like an “attack”. You know why? Because I’m a well adjusted

Eh, my experience as a Jew is that when I get into a discussion of Israel it goes...not great on the antisemitism side. There is a LOT of antisemitism just below the surface in well-meaning people and you get to it pretty easily in that discussion. Especially because I despise Netanyahu and the current Israeli

I think that’s a disingenuous take. It absolves the development team for introducing deep ideas they couldn’t —- or wouldn’t —- deal with in any significant manner. The game explicitly sets up a world where slavery exists in mass form; the game is responsible for then navigating that appropriately.

It’s super frustrating and feels like you have to have your head pretty deep in the sand to not see how to the broader world “they killed Jesus” is used to almost exclusively talk about the Jews. Obviously from context he wasn’t doing that, but maybe we shouldn’t be treating this like a culture war and just accept

One of the oldest anti-Semitic tropes is the concept of Jewish deicide: that the Jewish community of Judea bears the primary or even sole responsibility for Jesus’ death and that modern Jews are guilty by association. I do not think that that’s what Foxx was doing, because the notion of Jewish deicide is no longer a

Your worst take yet! I have to admire being able to top yourself like that. 

But what an amazing instance of using-his-power-for-good this is.

So was Robin Williams.  What's your point?

Whether you think you “knew” or not is not what matters here. When and where he wanted to deal with it is.

i always think it’s weird when people do this ‘won’t someone please think of the crew!’ stuff. they do not care, got paid already and have moved onto their next thing.

Bestie what do you mean?? She moved on ages ago. All this shit is Hailey doing shady stuff for clout, and then the media running with it instead of ignoring it like we all should. None of it is Selena’s fault.

Maybe they took issue with the “virulent” part?

Oh she’s definitely a transphobe.


Spoken like someone who has never attempted to learn any skill or craft in his lifetime.

You actually don’t have to be on a very high horse in order to look down on Roiland fanboys.  In fact, it’s a pretty normal-sized horse.

It… wasn’t meant as an epic burn. It wasn’t meant as any kind of burn.

I bet that’s not even a real guitar he’s playing.

She’s lived in a bubble sine she was a teenager. She never had anything close to appropriate social interactions throughout most of her life. And she’s directing her anger at real people who caused her real harm. Cut the gal some slack.