Uncle Iroh

Spoilers! The relationship continues to be super abusive, and the lead characters continue to be awful. Now with a baby at the end, to reinforce a bit of heterosexual domesticity and balance out all that naughty hardcore XXX spanking.

When men of color, who still have it better than white women

With each reply, it becomes clearer and clearer to me that The Beckery is within you and it is strong. You accuse me of disingenuousness to mask your own. You deflect, and pivot, and obfuscate. None of it erases the truth that white women are a greater agent of worldwide systemic oppression than any black man. Your

While your white woman is getting raped at Harvard, my black man is getting raped in the prison he’s been statistically destined to arrive at since birth. The wage gap increasingly favors WW over BM. And contrary to what you believe, black men were not granted full, unhindered voting rights until 1965, four decades

First, a rich white woman has a better chance of being assaulted by a rich white man than by any black man of any social status. People more often than not tend to congregate towards the social customs and cultures they find the most comfort in, and most crimes tend to happen within the communities by members or close

As a black woman, I feel very comfortable saying that, if I had to choose a different avatar, I’d prefer to be a white woman almost anywhere in the world than to be a black man almost anywhere in the world. And white women have a history of killing black men with tears and lies. There are quite a few intersections at

I think a lot of people are pulling the Christian Academy part out of this, but really the emphasis of anything in Brentwood is wealth. Brentwood Academy is for the people for whom their million dollar mansion isn’t enough of a show of their wealth. Since they’re allowed to give out athletic scholarships, you can

I am completely perplexed as to why Hemsworth would be intimidated by Pratt. Pratt is the worst of the Chrises.

Nah, she’s still insufferable but im glad she won this case.

California Olive Ranch.

California Olive Ranch.

Clegg elaborated, with a hollow and incendiary talking point, “The civil rights laws were deliberately written to protect everyone from discrimination, and it is frequently the case that not only are whites discriminated against now, but frequently Asian-Americans are as well.”

Is anyone else pissed off that Cersei in the books is basically a myopic schemer who’s consistently out of her depth, doesn’t foresee the consequences of her actions and believes to be way smarter than she really is, and yet in the show she has become this military mastermind who can outsmart Tyrion (arguably the

Um yeah we do. Plasma for one. People are compensated for medical trials. I can knowingly and voluntarily give a kidney, blood, bone marrow, ect. Some women, thankfully, have very easy pregnancies. If they want to rent out their wombs, so be it.

Think about your statement “it’s literal slavery” and then consider why that is not true. I’ll help: money is being exchanged. Whatever your personal opinion on surrogacy are, people will not listen to them if they are laughing at your blatant falsehoods.

As someone who is from and still lives in the deep south...... snatch a knot is like.... not a term I have ever heard in my life. Maybe I’m not as Southern as I think I am? But like... Who the fuck talks like that. He’s just trying to be down home folksy, truth-sayin’ Southerner, and he’s not.

ME: tolerance and peace is the best way to go through life. we shouldn’t infringe on somebody who’s just doing what they want
ALSO ME: we should destroy every teen

We’re all so proud of your ability to overcome. Your struggle is truly inspiring.

I know we are not the first group of people to take a hurtful and negative word and make it our own, and through that ownership find solidarity and strength. But I would caution you to remember the origins of that word, the original meaning and intent behind it, and to have some empathy and sensitivity towards those

“Mommy, look I’m in the big-boy truck!”

My brownies, ice cream, and Reese’s all disagree!