Uncle Iroh

The Clone Club is marvelous!

Does it really count as "wildly unfamiliar" to not know how a person's hair is parted?

Tom Hiddleston looks like and probably is an opossum, and Benedict Cumberbatch's face looks like a plastic bag full of oatmeal. Meanwhile this dude, whoever he is, is nowhere near on par with Chris Pratt.

Equalitist sounds too much like "Equalist", and that brings up obvious allusions to a well known terrorist group who tried to kill the Avatar.

lol. she's mighty forward. i wonder how she'd react to a white male bigot?

Everyone has different opinions. Being flippant about sexual abuse and leaving out giant chunks of relevant information IS embarrassing. Your snarky response is gross.

Why are we acting like this is only about her touching her 1 year old sister's vagina when she was 7 and not also about emotionally coercing her sister into sleeping in her bed and then masturbating while she sleeps? And about paying her sister in candy to give her long kisses on the lips? And about paying her sister

Damn, who knew they still existed? I fucking loved getting their catalogs in the mail. Inflatable furniture, terrible sandals, platform shoes, wide-leg, mid-rise pants, rave gear, short-haired models, TyPeFAce LiKE THis. Ahh, the 90s.

Exactly. I'm disappointed that a very old Chris Brown story was recycled as the headliner, and the big story about Dunham making its rounds in the news room across the internet has a tiny blurb with most of the following comments in grey. This is a big fail for Jezebel in terms of journalistic integrity. In this

I didn't bribe my sibling with candy to kiss me for 5 seconds. I didn't masturbate as a teenager while in the same bed as my sibling. I didn't get pleasure from delivering painful news to my sibling or have an insatiable need to have my sibling want to be with me.

"Yeah, I'm surprised there hasn't been more commentary about the Lena Dunham bit"

Except it wasn't just the looking into her vagina thing. She details very disturbing instances of her masturbating in bed next to her, bribing her with candy so she could make out with her, using tragedies to manipulate her into loving her, and literally compares her actions to a sex offender. How on earth is any

Like, they couldn't even get mildly exotic white. Nah, they had to get the most Anglo looking Alien fauna they could find. Marvel, do better.

Will this be the Doctor Strange poster?

Dear Isha,

Sorry I'm going with fuck NPH, marry Anderson Cooper, and kill Andy Cohen. Anderson Cooper is intelligent and has that sweet, savory Vanderbilt money.

Does anyone still slash Andrea and Michonne? Because after that final scene with them, just hell yeah.

I think she's too busy telling her kids about her veganism to talk about anything else.

Ok, so, I watched this entire ordeal go down on Twitter last night. I'm all for holding assholes accountable for shit, but you only included the one tweet where he said "a million apologies." You didn't include the probably hundreds of other tweets he sent throughout the entire night, apologizing to almost every

Of course her career was for public consumption. That's why she had a career at all.