My secret is that I also find Daenerys boring as all get out.
My secret is that I also find Daenerys boring as all get out.
Dude, don't. Don't go #NotAllWhitePeople. Not appropriate. Not ever appropriate, but REALLY not appropriate when it comes to this story.
The Old Testament is just a PR nightmare. They did some spinning with the New Testament, but it wasn't enough for his image to recover.
stop calling people "batshit crazy". It's just lame. You are just perpetuating the stigma in psychiatric disease. This is why so many people are afraid to get help. Because of bullies like you.
mmm, Mitsuoko
Tabu and Ambush and Shalimar, baby!!
I don't think you can compare a nice bottle of perfume to Bath 'n Body Works products.
You ever really looked at one of those? Like, straight at it? Fucking. Terrifying. Like looking into the abyss, and seeing how you're going to die. The word alone makes me shudder. Dickhole.
No one said he was personally responsible for everything. But he is responsible for murdering that kid - setting off this new embarrassing low of unconstitutional abuses and incompetence by the local PDs.
Rejoice, for American Horror Story: Freak Show is about to get even better than it was last season. Aside from the…
"are more just trying to witness to people"
Tokens not accepted on Pyke ferry. Iron price only.
um jesus obviously hated it, yall. that's why he struck it with lightning.
So many people make sex videos and aren't as famous as her. She stays on her grind literally and figuratively.
Do you mean this scene? I just want to clarify.
Maybe he wears a very well tailored person suit.
Oh, bugger off. I bet you go on about Sarah Jessica Parker having a 'horse-face' too.
I still occasionally think of this twitter exchange and laugh:
Speak for yourself. I took hormonal BC because I wanted easy access to P in V sex. Now I've got Paraguard for hormone-free, easy access to P in V sex. Some people don't mind condoms (you) and some people do (me). Hooray for lots of pregnancy prevention options!
So unless science studies your body specifically and determines what caused your cancer, no one can ever be flippant about a study that is likely going to misinterpreted and used as scaremongering for years to come? Wow, this article just brings out all the crazy commenters.