Sometimes I think Donna's the best. But then sometimes I think Andy's the best. Sometimes I want more Ben, other times more Jean Ralphio. MIXED FEELINGS.
Sometimes I think Donna's the best. But then sometimes I think Andy's the best. Sometimes I want more Ben, other times more Jean Ralphio. MIXED FEELINGS.
I have mixed feelings about Parks & Rec, too... Sometimes I think it's pretty good, but then other times, I think it's awesome. And like, sometimes I think it's funny, but then other times, I think it's kind of sweet and touching. So I get you.
Oh wait, let me see. We can swap that with Madden 623957896239084906235. Or Call of Duty 620938756234058076123976203o85234. Maybe Assassin's Creed 623908576082230760829345? It really doesn't fucking matter, bro. It's hilarious watching you get your underwear in a bunch over what games OTHER people play. …
So you can't like casual click games like this AND actual video games? Shit, how do I choose which one? I was unaware it was an either-or situation. Do I need to go delete my Steam library? My save files from basically every Bioware game ever made? Does the single act of even installing this game mean I need to…
you seem mad.....are you mad?
Fuck Juice for killing Roosevelt to protect Gemma's dumbass. I'm gonna finish the show, but fuck. I was rooting for Jax and Tara to get out together.
I need someone to explain to me why I like Khloe Kardashian. I think she is my fav.
there's something kind of unseemly about the "scary interchangeable Asian bad guys" in Lucy (at least based on the trailers)
Oh man, I hate to say this because I really, really, really want to see more movies with women and diverse points of view, but please dear god Hollywood, don't take note. I love a good action movie and generally I don't need it to make sense or be at all humanly possible or plausible (Fast and Furious, anyone?), but I…
and also go fuck yourself.
SoA is very Shakespearean in its themes and character traits. Saying the characters "kinda suck" is kind of reductive. Although, you can say that about Shakespeare's characters, too. Both sets are awful people making horrid choices that are thoroughly watchable. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but I sorta love…
Of course white feminists will be all over this racist piece of shit movie. Never change white feminists.
"No one gives a shit about your Butters"
The fact that what you took from this article is "Jezebel feel[ing] the need to tell everyone how they can speak" as opposed to the larger point of generally recognizing the individuality of human beings and not engaging in "benevolent" stereotyping, which can be very insidious, is telling.
Referring to a member of a minority group as if they represent all members of said group is dehumanizing.
You're saying that because you don't understand how life began, there must be a creator. This is the same as someone not understanding how the sun rises, and saying there must be a chariot that pulls it through the sky. You have leapt to a conclusion without any evidence.
Callie, I'm impressed with this article. I never thought I'd read a Jezebel writer who wasn't Kat use the term "transmisogyny", but I'm quite pleased that I have. Please keep it up!
Surely you've seen the majesty of "The Pickle Man" off Ponce, right?
Are we doing phrasing again?