
I feel no pity for this woman. Not once in the chat log was there anything alluding to rape, just the song. The rape portion of the song wasn’t even what they were joking about. The guy apologized MULTIPLE times, and yet she still felt the need to email Tim Cook (who by the way won’t read this petty crap anyways

So the guy apologizes multiple times for the joke and she keeps escalating it? I wouldn’t make a joke like that at work because it isn’t appropriate, but if someone apologizes while stating they will not do it again; it should be over right then. No need to escalate it right to the CEO without going through your

YES! That’s the hardest part of flea medicine day

But da puppi wonts smoochies!!

First kid, I was a daily commuter and got offered a seat once. I was so shocked I stuttered a reply of thanks. I had a lot of other funny experiences on crowded trams though, my favourite being the university student that stood next to me and rested his heavy backpack on my belly as if he didn’t notice the sudden

This was my experience when I was heavily pregnant during the polar vortex so I was already pissed because of that. I just started sitting down on people’s shit. Gym bag, groceries, legs, pets - all fair game.

I’m only four months in and I AGREE, I AM AN INSPIRATION. Looking for a maternity bike jersey with big text across the back reading “BE IMPRESSED BITCHES”, but unfortunately those don’t exist.

Ok this sucks, but Wow! I kind of want to go drive trucks in Europe! Its like the first Mad Max! Guys coming at you in the road with clubs and makeshift roadblocks. Time to armor up the semi trucks and get after it!

Sounds racist but truthful.

As a man, I have a great idea.
If women would like to be heard more in the workplace, when one woman makes a point, the other women in the room should reiterate the idea and credit the initial speaker.

In a separate universe where “strong moral compass” actually means psychopath, then sure.

“Now, Sir, I know you were stabbed but did you ever think to angle your body away from the knife? Perhaps mashing your ribs together so the blade couldn’t jam into your heart?”


When I open the article I thought the pic was real since I did not read the header. Now what? I screamed in my head.

robots are our saviors! think of everything they can do.

If nothing else, this scenario shows how far women have come. Now that we have a zillion other options to live life, you know like how dudes could for centuries, women should be asking what’s in it for them and if there isn’t anything because the guy and/or career options suck, bail. Whereas before, marriage and kids

Minimal (if any) support for mothers, no affordable childcare, and the burden of care placed on women.

She wears green and she can go left and right with the hand-on-hip thing.

“Aleppo is what I feed my rock wilder” -Emmit Smith

Every episode of Veep was a good episode of Veep.