
Ha! Yes, that's pretty true, they did seem to fit snugger toward the base.

As a regular Jezebel reader, I'm making some popcorn myself. The outrage is thick there, and often hilarious.

I read the other day that Magnums are designed to fit average sized wangs so that men can have an ego boost when buying them.

Ha! I considered that for a second, but then I realized she would have had to hate every other girl there too if that was the case. We were ALL far younger & cuter than her, lol.

This. A couple years ago I worked right under this absolute BITCH who hated me because she somehow found out I wasn't a christian, and I documented all the shit she pulled on me cause I was gonna file a complaint with HR. She would purposely wait till I left to send me more projects, just so she could send me a catty

I'll never understand how bad bosses get to BE bosses to begin with. I'd never promote an asshole to a position of power. I've had several doozies in my day and my only idea is that they're just sociopaths & thus have the ability to ACT like decent human beings just long enough to get promoted.

I'll never understand how bad bosses get to BE bosses to begin with. I've had several doozies in my day and my only hypothesis is that they're just sociopaths & thus have the ability to act like decent human beings long enough to get promoted to positions of power.

I see that your own head fits nicely up yours.

Yup. Attitudes toward Apple are changing, people are starting to see through the glamorous facade & realize that they're just another company that makes normal, often underwhelming products.

"It's none of your business. Her body, her choice. Mind your own tits."

Wow, you and your sanctimony can just fuck right off. The only thing that's "gross" here is your shitty attitude. Somehow I doubt you're trolling, I think you're actually serious so allow me to educate you- Some women physically cannot breastfeed OR pump. When my baby sister was born 13 weeks premature, my mom

My password for my work computer & all my work-related accounts is the same as the one I used when building my old Angelfire site back in 2001. It'd be super easy for anyone who knows me to guess too. Oh well. If anyone wants to hack my computer & do my job for me, be my guest. You won't find any financial info, just

Well, aren't you living up to your name like a champ. Everyone except for the blindest fanboys know that Apple has either stolen or copied basically everything they've ever put out. Mac OS was built off of the Xerox Alto's UI, all of Apple's designs have been stolen from Braun & a few others, and they've ripped off

This made me laugh. I can totally relate, even though I don't have kids. I've had all of these experiences though, either through all the times I've played mommy to my little sister or with friends' kids. Shitty kids are just THE WORST. One time, my ex-best friend & I were at the mall many years ago. Her son was

Lemme guess- you have no problem letting your little snowflakes "express themselves" all over restaurants, right?

That's usually the type that does this too- self-righteous, sanctimonious mombies whose entire existence revolves around the fact that they're a mother and thus above everyone else.

Ugh, I've had shit like that happen to me too.

I'd say its rape culture, just because this is the general mentality I've noticed too; if a woman isn't flattered when if a man hits on her openly ogles her, she's a bitch who deserves retaliation.

This. I'll never understand all the people who come to an openly feminist, liberal website to spout idiotic sentiments like that. I'm guessing people like that just love to argue & this is the best way to start fights.

Or maybe you should have bought a phone that doesn't get scratched up if you breathe on it too hard. Just sayin... never had this problem on any of my 'cheap plastic' phones.