
"The Apple-Samsung relationship has deteriorated to such a poor point that they're just looking to fill contractual obligations, then make a change."

I have one more step to suggest based on some of these comments- pull the shiny aluminum stick out of your butt & quit being such a smug little snob. It's so obnoxious. You're not smarter, cooler, or better than anyone else in any way just because you use iStuff, and you don't get to insult & dismiss Android just

Considering that Mercedes is made by Dodge, that sounds like an upgrade.

I know how WM supposedly pushes out small businesses, I just don't buy it. There are 2 Supercenters in my town and dozens of mom & pop stores too, with new ones opening all the time. If they do get pushed out- hey, that's just capitalism. Free market, lowest prices & most products offered wins. Why should a small

Yeah, all kinds of people shop at Walmart, poor, rich, and everything in between, you stuck up snob.

How is it bad?

Here here. Walmart is no worse than any other store & literally every type of person shops there, I'm so sick of all the hate from stuck up snobs who think their shit doesn't stink because they shop at Target.

Have you ever actually worked there, or are you just parroting a trendy opinion based on a few select cases of poor employee treatment? I used to work there(did 2 separate stints at 2 different stores) & while it wasn't my favorite job ever, it wasn't nearly as bad as everyone thinks it is. I made above minimum wage &

I can appreciate quality. I'm a Coach fan myself, I love their leather stuff & I think $300 +/- is a very fair price to pay for a quality bag that will last a lifetime. But most buyers of the brands you listed aren't buying them for the craftsmanship, they buy them so they can carry around a giant status symbol. You

They're not just patenting slide to unlock. It would be fine if they were just patenting their own slide to unlock system, but they're trying to patent any sort of sliding gesture used to unlock a screen.

Uh oh, a 4" phone with a center button? We'll be seeing a lawsuit from apple over this phone.

Ebay aside, I think I'm the only female alive who could care less about Pinterest. I made an account last year at the urging of a friend & I think I've "pinned" maybe 5 things total since then. I guess I just don't get the point of posting pictures & saying "I want this!" or whatever people do on there.

Agreed too. I feel the same way about ebay that I feel about Gawker's comment system- I miss when you could just go there & find what you need without everything being (dis)organized in a really confusing way.

Brown had it's day back in the 70's.

Just get a set of scraper tools & etch it yourself -

Probably because it's mostly shallow, materialistic sods who buy the brand, solely to show the world that they can afford a $500 wallet or a $2,000 handbag(because that brown & yellow LV pattern literally looks like diarrhea & I can't think of any other reason why anyone would buy it other than just to show off that

Cause I'm sure everyone has an extra grand or so to pull out of their ass.

Good lord, some of the girls on that site are fucking stupid. Example- "He texted: "I love you".............. what does this mean???"

Yes. There have been plenty of times when I've recoiled in horror upon finding out exactly how much fat & calories were in one of my favorite foods.

Why won't you ever buy a PC again? Because you had a bad experience with ONE laptop? Kinda short-sighted if you ask me. I have a Lenovo & I've had exactly zero problems with it in the 2 years I've owned it.