
I came here to say exactly this. He definitely should have kept his comments to himself, but he's hardly a bully. I've been on the receiving end of bullying as well, and it really irritates me that so many people consider a single unwelcome but largely benign email to be bullying. Kind of trivializes real bullying.

Agreed so, so much. Some of the overreactive allegations just on this site alone grasp so desperately at straws that it just blows my mind. Many people would say your example is an gross over-exaggeration, but I've seen that exact argument made here in complete seriousness before. I've even read comments that allege

Spoken with true privilege. Foxconn is the only place that pays even close to a living wage in that region, people are on waiting lists to get jobs there so they can feed their families. Google "wage slavery" before you spout your Romney-esque "if they don't like it, they can quit" rhetoric.

Spoken like a pampered, privileged brat with infinitely more choices and opportunities than the uneducated, impoverished workers in question.

People like you are what's wrong with the world. Selfish, materialistic, ignorant, and short-sighted.

Everyone is forced to work somewhere. While few people anywhere actually *like* their jobs, many people in countries like China really do have literally no other choice than to work at places like Foxconn if they want to make any sort of living wage. They can't just quit unless they want themselves & their families to

This. I can always suss out the privileged asshats just by the comments. If you honestly think it's that easy to abandon your job to find one you *like better*(especially in places like China), you've had a pretty damn easy life.

Because they're human beings, just like we are? We're supposed to care about other living things.

I think its really sad that the sanctimommy culture in this country has gotten so pervasive that a normal woman who just wants to have a normal birth with a standard epidural could be seen as "lazy". People stress too damn much about birthing. However you have your baby is perfectly fine as long as the both of you are

Great, the stupidity is spreading >.<

Haha, yeah I can def see the differences between those two :)

So is there just a cold, empty cavity where your heart should be, or just a lump of coal? Yeesh.

Heh, I have that exact vacuum. I dunno what year it's from, but it was my grandma's, then my dad's, and now mine. Still works great too :D

The only way Apple could ever surprise me is if they ceased their patent trolling & anti-competitive bullshit & actually innovated something for once instead of just releasing basically the same devices year after year.

How the hell was the 4S different from the 4???

Oh please. Jobs himself admitted on camera that they copy other designs all the time. Samsung didn't copy shit, Apple's just a fucking patent troll. They copy everyone else & sue anyone who makes a rectangular phone with icons.

Don't you mean when the 5S comes out next year?

Its definitely easier to read for me. My dyslexia is mostly with numbers, but my eyes do this wiggly 'jumping around' thing with letters, and they didn't do it with this font.

Finder mobile, I'm guessing. And if it doesn't work right, you're just searching for the wrong things.

Which is hypocritical as hell, considering that Steve Jobs ADMITTED that he regularly stole ideas all the time.