
Finally. I always knew there had to be a reason why I have always had absolutely ZERO desire to have children. I'm the most nurturing, loving person in the world when it comes to animals, but put a baby in my arms & I'm like "Oh god, it's making noises, what does it want?! Take it! Take it!!!". All my friends are

I'm American, and that's really how it is here. I feel like an outcast a lot because I'm not a fat stupid lump who wets herself over things like Americal Idol & bacon :/

Yeah, it was a pretty crappily-designed app, I remember thinking that the version on my android phone is so much more intuitive last time he called me over to watch a video on his phone.

Sadly this is a result of the culture of laziness that has developed in this country. We're a "do it for me!" society. We completely dismiss anything that takes the least amount of effort to enjoy, that's why nobody cooks at home anymore & why apple stuff is so popular- it "just works" out of the box, no real setup

Please provide proof of this. Your opinion does not count as proof either.

Yes, the ipad is totally overpriced for a basic tablet with fixed storage & a closed OS, and the iphone is hardly "top of the line". It's a good basic phone, but there's far better out there.

$499 is still overpriced for a basic tablet with no expandable storage. It should be $399 tops.

Yes. My boyfriend has a custom tone on his 4S. I'm not an apple user though, so I couldn't tell you how to do it.

OR, you're someone who actually uses these things & now can't because Apple deems them unnecessary.

Same thing happens with my Galaxy Note. It sticks out due to its size & everyone's like "Is that a PHONE?!". The other day a drive through employee spotted it on my passenger seat & said "OMG your phone's huge!". I find myself not taking it out as much in public anymore cause I really don't like the attention.

This is pretty much my position as well. Apple doesn't make CRAP(my boyfriend has a 4S, it functions well & meets his needs), but I just don't get the hype. It boggles my mind how a company can release basically the same phone every year, with very slight changes(and fewer/lackluster features compared to competing

Yes, iOS6 deletes Youtube. My boyfriend updated his 4S last night & was pretty pissed to find it gone. How is Apple deleting ANY app off of user's phones a pro? Apple's just trying to further distance themselves from anything Google in their sad attempt to be the prettiest girl at the prom. I bet they're prepping for

Ditto. Lurve my Note :3

Despite it being an Apple product, I would actually be interested in one of these if the price isn't absurd(which it's guaranteed to be, since it's an Apple product).

Popularity ≠ the best. The Big Mac is the best selling burger in the world too, but it doesn't mean its good.

Just because you choose to enter a private business and make a purchase doesn't give you the right to throw your opinion around. Do you go to your friends' houses & ask them to change the station too? Nobody forced you to go to the establishment, and nobody's forcing you to stay.

Careful now, you're making far too much sense. Better watch out before some momzilla screams at you that her brats are people too & have a RIGHT to be all up in your face in public.

I was wondering how they were gonna manage to work the iPhone 5 into this article, but holy crap, second sentence. That's talent. For f*ck's sake...

You MUST be shrooming.