
THIS. Even the free android phones can be tweaked & customized to perform well. Rule #1 of smartphones: they do NOT come optimized from the factory! It boggles my mind how so many people just can't be arsed to take 10 seconds to google problems/questions about their phone, instead just declaring that its a POS if it

And fuck you too, buddy. GTFO.

Yeppers. And it's not necessarily a BAD thing, as long as the internal upgrades are worthwhile.

You know how I know you've never read ANY of my other comments on this site? Cause you think I like Apple. LOL.

This is a common tactic for HTC. Change the innards a bit, keep the outside almost the same. Look at the Sensation/Sensation XL/Amaze 4G for example(s).

Heh heh :3

OMFG! Just because someone looks weird doesn't mean they don't have a job, folks!

I think the weirdest part here is the first guy's tadpole brows. Ew.

Don't worry, there will be a lawsuit soon claiming that Google Maps is a blatant ripoff of Apple Maps.

Uh, no. Just because you had a bad experience with ONE Android phone doesn't mean that that's the universal experience with Android.

Welcome to Applemodo. This is actually one of their less iPraising articles, actually, though they did end up making excuses for apple's failures yet again.

Its actually pretty refreshing. You must not have been here very long if you think Giz is anti-apple by any stretch. They humped the leg of Jobs for a long time, it was getting very tiresome & was actually starting to become a running joke. It's nice to see them being somewhat honest for once instead of automatically

Me too. I suspect all intelligent people buy things based on innards & capabilities, it's only idiots that buy based on looks.

This is why I bought a 7" HTC tablet instead of an e-reader. No proprietary software, no restrictions, no BS. I can read materials from literally any source on it :>

Nah, if it was an ipad it'd have gotten 7 thumbs up & zero criticism.

Easy- they ditched Gmaps because they like to have their own closed ecosystem.

CryptKeeper Brewer is probably drafting a bill as we speak.

That's a faulty battery, not a faulty phone.

The only response I can muster to this is... HA HA! How does it feel, Apple? Sucks when companies act like dicks, doesn't it?

Just wait, there will be a lawsuit soon.