
Oh right, I didn't even think of restocking fees. Damn, that sucks. I bet a lot of people just blindly bought this phone, having no idea that the connector changed, only to find that ALL of their iAccessories are now worthless unless they shell out even more money to apple.

Yeah, that's probably the most annoying pro-apple argument, and proof that they don't know how stuff like that works. Of COURSE it's easy to keep your phones updated when you only have a few specific hardware sets out there. Google has hundreds if not thousands of different phones to develop updates for, and I think

Stockholm syndrome is a fascinating thing, innit?

Agreed 100%. It's like saying "Thank you for taking away all those pesky choices, Apple!" I've never been able to understand why they went with a proprietary connector instead of the industry standard micro or mini USB, other than just to make more money on special cables & docks & to further the elitism of the brand.

Ok, but most cables don't cost more than $1-2 to make anyway, the ebay ones just aren't marked up like in big box stores. Doesn't mean they're somehow faulty or responsible for damages. Apple's own cable only costs $3.50 to make, yet they're selling it for $40 or $50.

Yeah, you're right. Their own cables cost a whopping $3.50 to make, MUCH better quality.

They'll keep getting free passes as long as there are iFans in the higher courts.

Apple is like an abusive partner. Some people will come to their senses & get out, but sadly most people will just rationalize the abuse & stay forever.

Why couldn't they return their phone? I can't imagine anyone could possibly be out of the buyers' remorse period already.

It's pretty well-known that many consumer electronics are built to break after a certain amount of time. When I was in middle school I remember having to buy a new walkman every year like clockwork because it would just conk out completely. Apple may not be programming their phones to stop working at the same time,

Because there's not enough money in USB. Nobody would buy Apple branded USB cables for $49.95 when they could buy a generic one for $2, and Apple knows this.

Such as...?

True, but you could also purchase a third party cable from a reputable company that makes quality products, only to have it not work because Apple is a bunch of money-hungry dooshlords who demand all of your money.

So is my Note, my HD2, my Evo View, and my bluetooth headset. One charger to rule them all, no adapters needed. Ahh, feels nice to save money :)

God I hope so. Someone needs to step up & put an end to this nonsense. They're clearly abusing both the courts & the patent system to their advantage to stifle competition, anyone with two brain cells to rub together can see that. I can't understand why the govt. hasn't stepped in yet. How many more demonstrations of

All that means is that it's easy for idiots to get into positions of authority. Just because some ape in a suit has the power to bang a gavel doesn't mean that he's any smarter than anyone else, or that we have to agree with their opinions. Anyone with half a brain can see what apple is really trying to do with all

Agreed. I'm no prude, I have my own porn collection, but there's a time & a place for sexuality. I've defriended people on facebook just because they were constantly posting nasty pictures. If I wanna see porn, I'll go look at some porn. I don't need to see it everywhere I look.

According to Giz, yeah, pretty much.

Oh man, I remember wanting one of those SO BAD back in the mid-2000s :D

Braun needs to sue the crap out of Apple right along with the railway. It's really mindboggling how Apple gets away with SO much plagiarism.