
Apple's roots ARE stealing. Their UI is based on the Xerox Alto. Yes, they purchased the rights to it, but they did not invent it. They have literally innovated NOTHING.

Hehe, yep. Samsung made a rounded-rectangular phone with an oblong button on it- OMG they blatantly copied apple!!!1! Yet when Apple actually DOES blatantly copy a design- ehhhh, well... it's kinda similar I guess...

Shoot himself in the head? Why? Because he's not a pathetic iTard who's all over Jobs's decaying nuts, like you? God, grow up.

Are you seriously arguing that government officials are always right so we should listen to them...?

apple is never going to stop samsung or android in court, but they could attempt to do it by releasing a product that is better, and to date, this hasn't happened.

Riiiight... cause apple has never collected any information, and has never had any data leaks or security holes which they took 2 weeks to fix.

Exactly. They're losing their market dominance & they're trying to sue the competition out of business. How ANYONE can't see right through their game is beyond me.

Ugh, I hate that. One of my friends owes me $55 and he's taking his sweet time paying me back. I've been stepping up the harassment & sure enough- now *I'm* the asshole for nagging him. Um, hello! YOU owe ME money, you should be busting your ass & kissing mine!

I have trust issues because literally every time I've let someone borrow something, they either return it totally trashed, or else they never return it at all. Hell no, I don't share. Not anymore!

Yeah, you could say it stresses me out. I don't let people borrow my stuff anymore, not after what happened the last time. Last year, I let my best friend use my HD2 after I upgraded, just until he could afford a phone of his own. HUGE MISTAKE. I literally cried when I saw the condition he returned it in. After only 2

Why, so the airline could spend even more money for a name?

Wow... try to sound just a bit more psycho crazy mad about something that doesn't affect you in the slightest.

Uh... mine fits just fine into the pockets of my jeans, and I'm a girl.


What kind of douche does that? I can see borrowing a phone to play a game or play with the OS if they're unfamiliar with it, but changing ringtones? Downloading stuff? Oh hell no.

I can't believe anyone would wait in line for 5 days to buy a phone. This is why iTard stereotypes exist.

Omg I am CRYING with laughter x'D

I'm sorry, but that's just silly. It's not "abuse" to put clothing on an animal. It may feel weird at first but it doesn't hurt them one bit.

Yep. Currently I'm using plain Benadryl to knock myself out & that tends to work pretty well, but I find myself having to skip a few days every once in a while because I build up a tolerance & I end up having to take 4+ pills just to get drowsy.

ONE INCIDENT does not equal "daily barrages of subtle and unsubtle racial discrimination/microaggressions". Yeesh.