
Yes, I feel you ! My hubby has light THICK hair and I have super tight curly fro hair (under my weave lol ). So they always joke what it is going to look like. I usually tell them to calm it down a bit. That is strange people mention it to you that much though. Twice a week? Sometimes I wish people would keep their

You must have been feeling my detective waves last night.Just last night I was looking for some organic non-hurtful cat repellant options. I just moved to the South and our backyard is surrounded by trees. I get to see beautiful Bluejays and Cardinals. We also have 4 cats that always hang out in my backyard. I see

You are doing all the right things. I would talk to her and see if she would consider getting something more long term like the ring, patch or implant. In that case she would only have to remember once every three weeks or for the impant 4-5 years.

Oh I definitely agreed with you on that. I feel like a zoo animal when they ask or take it upon themselves to just do it. I entertain the questions but, I don't think I will be as tolerable when it will come to my future biracial children.

Yes, seriously haha. People are usually pretty harmless and I usually answer their questions. Like when I had individual braids in. " Do you braid your hair every morning?" I find it kind of cute.

I didn't know that ! There needs to be a 'everything you need to know' Crash course

......Not with a glock. Not in the cock. Not on a rock. Not wearing socks... Your wit is amazing. I laughed so loudly. You should get carried away all the time!

And this is why I like good public discourse. I read about this on another website and the amount of people throwing around baby killer, nazi police squad, immoral liberals, etc. etc. was crazy. Here at least people try to use facts and logic. Never again.

I like to load things handle side up too !

I was watching the video and my husband was like, " That was disgusting. Those people are disgusting." I couldn't agree more. I just cannot fathom how someone would even think those words and then have the nerve to direct it towards someone. I know no one that would and I hope to never. Ugh, so fucking disgusting.

Agreed. Wow, I have no words. You think we make steps forward

Agreed! Maybe they just use left over croissant dough. Instead of cutting out a triangle and rolling it. They instead cut out circles, layered them on top of each other and then fried it ? I know another bakery that used left over dough like this but they baked it and tossed it in brown sugar instead.

Yep, Pretty sure you are right. Guess we should use the correct picture hmm?

Me too ! I told my artisan bread and pastry baker husband about these. The look on his face was one of utter disgust. The amount of work he puts into his beautiful, light flaky croissants. I couldn't ever imagine someone frying them then covering them with frosting. With that said, I would totally try one though

Oh please oh please let one be near me !

Wait, that show is still on? Ugh it was just toooo much. She is tooo much. I love Retta. Donna is one of my most favorite characters on the show because like a down low cigar smoking don. I love it.

Well, I think too many people assume because you are in high school you are irressponsible. I know 30 year olds that are also irresponsible. I know 50 year olds that don't take their medications correctly after you counseled them on them. Do I think the situation is ideal ? no, but I think the opposite result could

You know what? I don't even have to reason to anyone why I am doing anything. I am taking it because I don't want a baby straight up. All these companies I will never buy from them. I will take my immoral and unnatural money elsewhere.

Yes, progesterone carries side effects but, the amount in the medication in a one time usage will most likely not cause the most severe of adverse reactions i.e. blood clots, etc. You are more likely to see nausea. Furthermore the line of reasoning about drug interactions and the possible risk is clouded. The
