1.) Is it bad that I was hoping that Dad was going to get some good licks in on Larry before anyone could intervene?
1.) Is it bad that I was hoping that Dad was going to get some good licks in on Larry before anyone could intervene?
Marilyn had breasts that looked like pears? How is that a bad thing? Only a complete asshat could find a flaw in one of the most beautiful women that ever lived.
At least Hardy can always change it to “Ms.Cleo knows all”
“I feel like you’ve been professional,” Alexis said, wrapping it up. “But you do use some words loosely, at least off-camera, but maybe that was too generous me even allowing that. So we just make this a very safe, respectful space moving forward, right?”
Less GOOP and less GOP in 2018.
I’d never ever want to go back to these days but...
lolz i clicked on this article like SHIT SHIT WHAT HAPPENED TO PURITY RING???? thank god it’s just those lame rings, not the cool band.
Because we don’t value facts/data/education and we overvalue religious institutions (especially now when fewer and fewer people go to weekly worship). Gender equity is not just fair, it is smart, because it benefits society overall. And organized religion as a sector doesn’t do very well on gender equality. Well, I…
From a meta-level U.S.-centric perspective, this is story demonstrates to me one more time how fucking backward the U.S. is on gender.
The Onion called it:
Repulsive. All around. I cancelled cable long ago but I wish there were more ways to “unvote” with my dollar.
They’re registered at Bed, Bath and Way Beyond.
I just got mine a couple of days ago. Because I read an article last week that compared that strain, to the one that hit in 1918. The one that only wiped out 20% of the worlds population.
Eric showed all the growth and other crap that the Bachelor franchise usually loves. It’s a shame they didn’t choose him. Or maybe it’s for the best, who know. Also, I loved his aunt and would have loved to see her be a part of his “journey”.
So if her soul is 24 years old is she going to be, like, the most advanced toddler ever? How does this stuff work? God? Hey, God, this wasn’t in the manual!
So this is a story of good things (potentially) happening on the back of sheer greed, cos there ain’t no way this has any of the altruism of Rihanna’s efforts.
What’s with all the Jack Nicholson impersonators in the picture?
Prince Harry is actually the result of Diana having an affair with Arthur Weasley.