La Sirena

Since A Friend Called 5 dismissed my perfectly reasonable comment (and a few others that simply and respectfully disagreed with her), I’m going to repost my comment here:

Bed bugs are fucking horrific, but I have to admit to being a little relieved after reading this article. I thought it was about how there are now FLYING BED BUGS, which would probably lead me to get one of those bubble boy things the kid from Seinfeld was in. Either way I’m going to be itchy for the rest of the day.

Yes! I have pretty much the same sentiments, look-for-look. Even the two-coat ensemble almost works for me, if not for that striped skirt poking out. The evening gown does nothing for her, which when you look like that is almost an accomplishment in itself.

“Awarding” money to Vegas? That makes it sound like “hey you win for having the highest death count in a mass shooting this year! Congrats!”

I think they need to bring back the movie intermission, why are the movies so long now a days? You kids get off my lawn!!!!

DON’T FORGET ALL THE PINK! If it’s not PINK, it’s not real cancer.


That upsetting. I understand there’s a level of manufacturing that goes into crafting the Kardashian public narrative but honestly we’re at the point where if Kris gets a creepy doll that is actually a leprechaun or maybe a warlock and they’re literally just the reboot of Passions.

How very straight edge!


I love the Trader Joe’s frozen Indian foods!

Have you had native foods? They reign supreme in my book for vegan fast food.

Woman in black looks like she’s trying hard to smile while keeping from barfing and shitting at once.

Hey- they held a prayer meeting and scheduled people in shifts to stand on the beach holding Bibles up to ward away the storm. What more could you possibly ask for?

We teach our children “museum hands”, which is nothing more than “hands behind your back when you’re in a museum”. Shame more adults don’t do this. See also, “Look with your eyes, not with your hands.”

We had 97% in ATL. My boss took a last minute trip to SC to his family’s house so my coworker and I left for an hour and a half and went to the Jackson Street Bridge that overlooks downtown Atlanta/the highway (known for the opening of Walking Dead, if you watch it) and hung out there. Someone made a hip hop playlist

The nut guy is one of those people who thinks his allergies and ailments make him an interesting person. These are the least desirable people to talk to at a party. They also ALWAYS find a way to work it in to the conversation.

My bet is that it was bottled in U.S.A. or Mexico.

Instead of being annoyed with the finale, I will just look at this picture of the happy couple that I actually care about.

It’s true! Before the surgery his Kinja name was just “Seth”!