Yes, and now we have Scream 5 in theatres and nobody seems to appreciate the innate irony of that.
Yes, and now we have Scream 5 in theatres and nobody seems to appreciate the innate irony of that.
The slasher genre, at least at its height in the 80s, wasn’t meant to chastise promiscuous teens. You’re removing the context of the era the films were made in. It was meant to chastise and annoy Reaganites of 80s who generally wanted those they saw as undesirables in America (recreational users, the sexually…
This wasn’t a competition until you decided to declare yourself better than everyone else by claiming you enjoyed the movie because you had a “pretty decent attention span”, which literally implies one thing, extremely hard, which is that everyone else does not.
“Apatow hasn’t lost his sense of humor, just his sense of pacing”
I was voluntarily proofreading my own typo!
Two whole weeks away from home in a fancy hotel? Won’t SOMEONE please think of the MILLIONAIRES
<ahem> cryptoconservativism
Sometimes I amaze even myself.
Sure, by the end we understand why bored and locked-down celebrities might turn to drugs as an easy escape, but why should civilians facing harder quarantine protocols and actual economic adversity care if they get the movie finished?
Guz Khan’s having a moment. Good for him. (Still on tenterhooks waiting for the Man Like Mobeen conclusion...)
Every day I feel more comfortable comparing Apatow unfavorably to Kevin Smith.
Yeah, some time markers would be greatly appreciated here.
The outfits alone (esp Pascal’s puffy jacket) tip its hand.
You point out that we can fast forward past the bad bits to get to the good bits. But...
(a disheveled David Duchovny, seemingly made up/down to resemble Apatow).
I wonder if he has to release this on Netflix, logistically speaking, assuming that it would probably financially tank in a traditional theater setting. Netflix is a dumping ground sometimes.
That’s the start of the third paragraph, yes.
If nothing else I do find “Cliff Beasts” to be a pretty funny euphemism for dinosaurs.
Seriously. I gasped to see it’s 126 minutes. I know it’s Apatow, but this type of thing screams 90 minutes as opposed to his semi-serious character comedies like Funny People or The King of Staten Island.
It’s kind of sad how mediocre Apatow’s films have become.