
Mike Faist was great too, I thought.

I’m sure she wasn’t the first but Jodie Foster won two awards.

ohhhh THE JOKER!!!

Just as a potential viewer the lack of subtitles for the wife and such seems to be a bad choice to me. I don't know what the writer or director were thinking with that at all.

My impression was that Frick didn’t even know he was mocking her—he might have even thought he was being helpful (as when Americans repeat everything twice to the non-English speaking, with the second utterance even louder and more emphatic). Racism/ethnocentrism can be that casual and unwitting.

And yes, the movie

...And the loser is shot into a different sun

I’m in!

As someone who dealt with fertility issues with her one and only child, I find this spectacle obnoxious. There are enough women out there desperate to have a kid, they will latch onto anything — even something as ridiculous and potentially harmful as this. 

Honestly, as someone with pretty terrible adoptive parents, I hope they don’t inflict their parenting “skills” on any more kids than the one(s?) they already have. And people shouldn’t adopt because they can’t have kids naturally - the motivation should always be to find the best solution for a traumatized child.

So for Mrs. F.’s 40th b-day I arranged for a local historic theatre to show “Kill Bill 1" just for us on a weekday. (I know the manager).

$300k is nothing. Any random homeowner with some equity and a 401k can easily be worth that much and more.

Heidi Montag out here just “Kali Ma!”-ing it around for no good reason.

Lol, full on trolling. Whatever, I think it’s kinda hilarious. She is probably interested in the diet (which is dumb) and when she got the organs she was like, it would be funny just bite junks off the giant things.

On one hand, I can understand how dealing with secondary infertility can make a person crazy. On the other hand, yikes. Goodluck, lady.

Nope, her:

Lea Thompson’s prosthetic boobs walked so that Emmy Rossum’s prosthetic boobs could run.

We are truly living in the golden age of prosthetic boob TV shows.

I hate the recent trend of giving subjects creative control over movies and shows about them. I guess Bohemian Rhapsody making nearly a billion despite being terrible, largely because of May and Taylor’s control, means we won’t see the end of it anytime soon.

I’m against fame as a concept, and don’t at all like people who seek fame for its’ own sake.

Considering Angelyne is the apotheosis of “famous for being famous,the person who bought a billboard to simply advertise for themselves as an entity...I’m not sure having her on as executive producer bodes well for the truthiness or incisiveness of this series.