
Truman Show and Eternal Sunshine are two of his best performances (granted both allowed his comedic talents to show through) and got him a lot of credibility with both critics and audiences who were tired of his plasticman schtick. But like many comedy actors trying to prove themselves as serious, he went too hard

The scenes where he kills a minion in a gruesome and over-the-top Bondian way, and then the film switches into super-sincere scenes of the minion’s home life and the family hearing the tragic news and having their lives destroyed by it.

Yup that’s about where I bailed as well. Saw enough to know any good would be dragged to the bottom of the ocean by the bad. Its also not able to get any actual comedic rhythm or timing differences because he’s playing goddamn everyone in the show. It feels very stilted. Wanted to see a triumphant Mike Myers return

Yeah, but it wasn’t worth the rest of the movie, which felt way, way, WAY too much like winking at the audience.

First two were fantastic. The second managed to build on first in an organic and natural way.


That’s a big thing. She didn’t file the suit. He did. She has counterfiled, because he just  won’t let it go. But she was willing to walk away.

Except there isn’t “proof” she lied. There’s a leaked letter to the Daily Mail asking for information about further payments but frankly that’s not much unless followed up with evidence there was an outstanding amount and that letter hadn’t been the result of a mix up.

The saddest part is that Johnny still isn’t going to F them even after being such a valiant internet warrior on his behalf. Truly the century’s greatest tragedy :( 

It is gross. But no one said abuse victim can’t be bad people. We need to stop this cartoonish portrayal of victims as angels and abusers as monsters. Victim might have engaged in unethical behavior in their past/present and abusers can show kindness to others or even done good deeds. People contain multitudes and it

He has a lot more money and resources than she does, so he can afford the top level legal team. Things were more fair in the British case where it was Depp versus the publication because the media company had money.

I mean... He’s gonna lose. It’s not criminal court, it’s a defamation trial and his defense is literally “we mutually abused each other” which is true...but it’s still admitting that he abused her and therefore her words in the op-ed were not libel. I personally could not care less about the court of public opinion;

The difference though was that they brought up in cross his own words that contradicted his claims. He’d claim he could perfectly remember events only for his texts to say he’d “blacked out”.

Fault? She is not a perfect victim, the long suffering wife who never fought back. She is imperfect and has previously assualted a former girlfriend.

I like how the implication is that she’s attention seeking by having a lawsuit filed *against* her by a man who *definitely* isn’t attention seeking and acting out of spite himself.

So, she has to be “without fault” in order to not be bankrupted, and have her mental competency questioned? While Depp gets to admit to using illicit drugs, writes that he wants to kill Heard, rape her dead body and then burn it and all he’s JUST an asshole? That’s a pretty big double standard here.

Can we just hurry up and have him lose this case too so we can all move on? As though the UK trial (which proved he can be called a ‘wife beater’ because he technically *is* a person who beat his wife) wasn’t enough. Please stay cancelled Johnny.

Shit man!! Do not say stuff like that out loud or online. The Studio exec will see it and  put a post credit sequence at the end of this movie with a hybrid Nick Fury inviting the Hatchling to join the Moreau initiative!

You left out the mother of all real horror stories and her own meditation on childbirth - Mary Shelley and her Frankenstein.

“it seems kind of inoffensive”