Same here. Now I have to dive for the remote when the trailer comes on just like I have to for those damn ASPCA commercials...
Same here. Now I have to dive for the remote when the trailer comes on just like I have to for those damn ASPCA commercials...
Holy shit! So she’s going for a cross between Napoleon and Professor Umbridge?? Yikes...
Too right.
His nostrils looked yuuuge. And so much sniffing!
Holy shit, nice catch!
He also doesn’t sleep well and has a shitty diet, bless his heart...
Yeah. My kid’s turning 5 next month and I don’t think I’ve ever heard him refer to himself in the third person. Wtf is that all about.
Sadly, weed just makes me paranoid. I’d probably think Trump was under my bed or something...
Fuck yeah. My teachers always told me I was born in the wrong decade: they saw me as a 60s kid.
I haven’t had any alcohol in a year (just had a baby). I’m thinking tequila. Lots of it.
Apparently this morning he sent a tweet asking if we were in Nazi Germany! This is a perfect answer. Quick, somebody post a screen shot!
They should turn it around so it can remind him to shut the fuck up. What a shitshow that was...
Their objection is exactly WHO is being made uncomfortable by the protest. If it’s straight, christian, middle-class and up white people, a.k.a. the chosen ones, that’s NOT ok.
Why do you hate America so much?!?
Ugh, right? I have negative interest in watching La La Land, depsite loving Emma Stone. It just looks sooooo white bread & blah, like the movies it seems to be paying homage to. I was considering hate watching it just to see what all the fuss is about, but meh...
For real. Nobody old enough to remember WWII should have anything to do with a fascist being installed as President.
It looks like a Barbie dress from the 80s. I should know...
How about this:…
Lol no for some reason I hallucinated he was married to Paty Natividad! (She looks a little like Angelica Rivera.) wtf. Pregnancy brain hasn’t completely gone away...